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Topics - rider on the storm

Pages: [1]
General / Isasues with Micasense Rededge-M data
« on: May 16, 2018, 01:30:00 PM »
Hi There,

I just processed a set of Micasense RedEdge-M data, following the instructions on the manual.
When I now check the values in QGis, it appears that the values of band 4 (which is supposed to be the NIR-band), are much higher on bare soil than on vegetation. But it should be the opposite. When I check the single raw image of band 4, the values are much higher on vegetation than on bare soil, as it should be.

Appart from that, the processed mosaic appears very dark.

Did I do a mistake in the processing?

Thanks and kind regards

General / Issues in coordinate transformation
« on: December 11, 2017, 01:15:03 PM »
Dear All,

I am facing an issue in (as I think) coordinates transformation.
I did a mapping flight with PPK correction of the coordinates. The final model should have been in Gauß-Krüger Zone 3, elevation DHHN92. Converting in Photoscan worked well and as the elevation changes approx 40m I assumed everything was fine. Afterwards I figured out that there is an offset of around 4-5 meters from the model´s coordinates to the coordinates measured in an official model with DHHN92 elevations. So I assume that the cnversion into GK3 doesn´t covnert the elevation into DHHN92. Is that possible? If so, is there any way to convert the elevation into the requested DHHN92?

Thanks and best regards,

Bug Reports / Issues with dragging and rotating the model with the mouse
« on: November 07, 2017, 11:28:31 AM »
Hi there,

since I opened Photoscan yesterday, I cannot propper rotate the model anymore. Dragging is now on the left button of the mouse while rotating on the right works inverted to the usual directions. Also I cannot fully rotate the model anymore (only until horizontal view).

Can you please help me fixing this issue.


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