Agisoft Metashape > Feature Requests

Release (Z) from (XY) GCPs coordinates

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Yoann Courtois:
Hi !

I would like to know if it could be possible to add this feature at some point.

Indeed, sometimes GCPs have Z-coordinate inaccurate or even missing.
Then, a point could be use as (X,Y) GCP only.

As it's not an daily usage, it could be hide somewhere.
For example after a right clic on a couple of points, we could set them as "none 3D point" and then check or uncheck each coordinate.


Alexey Pasumansky:
Hello Yoann,

You can use very low accuracy for Z coordinate, it will almost neglect the impact of the altitude value of the corresponding point or points.

Yoann Courtois:
I remember I saw this somewhere but...
Where can we exactly do it ? Is it also possible to set particular Z-accuracy to a particular point like we can do it for 3D accuracy ?


Alexey Pasumansky:
Hello Yoann,

The general accuracy values can be set in the Reference pane settings dialog. You can override the general setting for each marker or group of markers by selecting them in the Reference pane and using Set Accuracy option from the Context menu. The following options are supported:
single value for all coordinates: XYZ
individual accuracy for each coordinate: X/Y/Z
individual planar and vertical accuracy: XY/Z
For the latter two options use "slash" symbol as the value separator.

Yoann Courtois:
Oh nice ! Didn't know that point !
Thanks one more time for those quick and precise help !



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