Agisoft Metashape > Feature Requests

Can photos used to build an orthomosaic be hidden from the final image?


Can I exclude a batch of photos from the final orthomosaic image if they were used in all the other stages of building the orthomosaic?  I am in the process of making two orthomosaic (A and B) from imagery I collected with my drone from the same area at two different times on the same day (a couple of hours apart).  I have perpendicular photo transects for my first mapping run (A) but none for the following mapping run (B).  In the interest of improving the quality of the second orthomosaic (B) I would like to use the photos from the perpendicular transects I flew in A but I don't want any of those perpendicular photos to be visible in the orthomosaic for B.  Could I use the photos from A's perpendicular transects with B's mapping photos in steps building up to the final orthomosaic for B (aligning, optimizing, building DEM, etc) and then exclude or hide those A photos so that they won't show up in B's orthomosaic?  I'm pretty new to photoscan and mapping in general, but suspect this might be as simple as disabling the photos at the end... I'm not sure.  Any help people could offer would be greatly appreciated.

Alexey Pasumansky:
Hello Matt,

If you disable the images right before Build Orthomosaic stage, then those photos wouldn't be used in the mosaicing process.

To disable the images select them in any pane or in the Model view mode, then right-click on selection and choose Disable option from the context menu.

Thanks, I will try it!

I was told by a colleague that I could also save the "adjusted" camera calibrations from my first set of pictures (the set of pictures that had "Key Runs") and use them with my second and third sets of pictures which didn't have any Key Runs (photos taken on a couple of flight lines that were perpendicular to the survey flight lines).  If I were to export those camera calibrations and then import them before the start of the alignment process for my second and third survey photos respectively,  is recommended to check the "Fix calibration" Box?  I was also wondering if I can export the adjusted camera calibrations anytime after the alignment and optimization steps?  Thank you again for your time and assistance.

Alexey Pasumansky:
Hello Matt,

You can export adjusted values anytime (note that optimization would likely change the values). Fix calibration is reasonable if you are confident that camera parameters are stable and were estimated accurately, otherwise you can just leave the default parameters and allow autocalibration.


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