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Messages - zjwang

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: functions for import and export tie points
« on: August 19, 2013, 06:28:46 PM »
Hello Alexey

Thank you for your kind reply!
I will check the blunder.out format and see how it can be used. But I still strongly suggest to add those functions as it is simple to add from your end and it will be easy for clients to use without to spend a lot of time to explore python etc..
Please be awared that many users may not have the computer skills as you expected and they just want to get the project done without cost of too much time.

Best regards!

Zhijun Wang

Feature Requests / functions for import and export tie points
« on: August 19, 2013, 03:50:00 PM »

We have recently bought the AGISOFT. We found it could be very useful if we add the functions to import and export ascii format tie point as

Label, tie point id, x in pixel, y in pixel

Now Agisoft can import external GPS and IMU data, GCP data and camera file except the external tie points. Without the functions, it will easily get the projects failed when AGISOFT can not generate good matched tie points, it is very hard to use agisoft to do some manual work with hundreds images. But if you have this import function, we still can use AGISOFT to do the rest and use external tools to generate tie points. Or in some other cases, with the export function, we can use AGISOFT generated tie points in other softwares such as INPHO.

Best regards!

Zhijun Wang

Feature Requests / Export tie points into ascii file
« on: April 23, 2013, 10:17:00 PM »
It will be greatly helpful to export tie points for each image in ascii file imagename.pts with contents as:

imagename, point id1, x1, y1
imagename, point id2, x2, y2
imagename, point id3, x3, y3


and the 3d model points coordinates as:

point id1, X1, Y1, Z1
point id2, X2, Y2, Z2
point id3, X3, Y3, Z3

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