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Messages - SuperNewb

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General / Error: Can't align cameras
« on: July 14, 2021, 06:13:01 AM »
Hi guys,
I have just installed version 1.73.12473 professional.  Also I have swapped to a new gpu, an rtx 3080ti.  I have tried running a few photo sets through, and each time, during image alignment, Metashape pops up with this error and no aligned cameras....  These datasets were processed in previous versions and before the gpu switch.

Anyone having the same issue from the new version or from a similar gpu?

I have attached the console report as well.  It looks as though everything is fine until it reaches the stage where it is trying to match points using the gpu and it comes up with 0.


Solved: I took a better look at the forums here and learned about the 0 limit not working when aligning photos, My tie points and key points were both set at 0, changing this to a high number fixed this

General / Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« on: October 21, 2018, 09:58:56 PM »
Can we get some information about the auto classification being used?  I ran a quick dataset through it and recieved very poor results.  It seems strange to me that I am getting these results when I am using a very clean dataset. 
Photos have 90% overlap shot at 100m agl as 20mp.  I classified the dataset using the old tools in version 1.3 and was able to get very good results in a short period of time.  I was hoping that the autoclassification would at least get close, but my results are extremely bad.  Could I be missing something?  I should add that I am running the 1.5 pro beta as a demo right now.

Hello SuperNewb,

The new classification option is based on the machine learning, so if you are observing unsatisfying results, we would like to ask you to send the point cloud that you are working on to (just point cloud exported from the project will be fine, just keep the source coordinate system and point colors).

Just sent the email with a link to download the dense point surface.

General / Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« on: October 20, 2018, 12:05:11 AM »
Can we get some information about the auto classification being used?  I ran a quick dataset through it and recieved very poor results.  It seems strange to me that I am getting these results when I am using a very clean dataset. 
Photos have 90% overlap shot at 100m agl as 20mp.  I classified the dataset using the old tools in version 1.3 and was able to get very good results in a short period of time.  I was hoping that the autoclassification would at least get close, but my results are extremely bad.  Could I be missing something?  I should add that I am running the 1.5 pro beta as a demo right now.

My method for truncating the coords is to use excel. subtracting the same digit across all coords in a list.
Using 5820000 and 590000 for northing and easting respectively.

5825184.935   593030.281   933.993  would turn into 5184.935   3030.281       933.993

I think I know what you are saying though, you cant simply remove the first few digits to properly truncate.

I am still at a loss as to where the z error comes from in a simple xy shift though...

Hi Photoscan community,

I am hoping to get help in wrapping my head around a problem I am experiencing.
I was given truncated coords for my GCPs, I converted these into standard UTM to assist in pinning the GCPs within Photoscan.

After pinning the targets, instead of importing the truncated target coords back in, I optimized the sparse point surface based on my converted UTM coords...  This is where I am lost.  The optimized surface based off the UTM coords has an average error of 2cm.  When I import the truncated coords back in, the error sits around 30cm...

I screwed up further by going ahead and building the dense point surface before importing the truncated coords and finding out about the error... Worse yet, I have spent a day filtering this Dense point surface that took 2 days to process.

I am assuming that I will need to go back and optimize the sparse point surface based on the truncated coords to correct this then rebuild the dense point surface and then start filtering again.

My question to the community is,  Where does this error come from?  when going back and forth between truncated and non-truncated coords, isn't the model just shifting in x/y space?  the elevations are unchanged between the two coord systems...  Photoscan is telling me that the error is in the elevation values however...  Why is error being introduced in elevation from a simple x/y shift?

If anyone can help me wrap my head around this it would be greatly appreciated.


General / Re: New AMD Ryzen 7 processor
« on: June 27, 2017, 05:00:31 AM »
Might want to wait it out even longer for the AMD Threadripper CPUs coming soon... 16 cores/32 threads... 64 PCIe lanes for better GPU utiliazation.  Looks like Intel has an 18 core cpu in the works too!

General / Help with License
« on: February 10, 2017, 04:06:38 AM »
Hi guys, 

I just installed the latest version and typed in my key... However it is saying "wrong host for license"

This is the pro x64 version 1.3 build 3772

I had a previous build of version 1.3 installed for some time but downgraded to an older version due to a bug.  I am thinking this is where my issue is coming from because I did not deactivate the 1.3 license before installing 1.2 again.  I think Photoscan has my license tied to my machine for the previous 1.3 build and I dont know how to deactivate it now to re-activate for the latest build...  Any help would be much appreciated.


Bug Reports / Re: Photoscan changes the Projection when importing GCPs
« on: February 10, 2017, 03:18:38 AM »
Hi Alexy,

I was importing the GCPs from a tab delimeted text file...  It was a very strange occurance.  I will test out the new stable build and report back if the problem still occurs.

Bug Reports / Photoscan changes the Projection when importing GCPs
« on: February 02, 2017, 10:32:16 PM »
HI guys,

I am trying to process a small dataset in NAD83 UTM zone 10N.  Normally this works just fine, however for some reason when I try to import my GCPs, Photoscan is changing the overall projection to NAD83 UTM zone 11N.

I have never experienced this issue before.  I am using version 1.3.0 build 3620.

Initially I though I had just chosen the wrong projection by mistake, unfortunately I have gone through this three times now.

General / Re: RTK Integration with DJI Phantom Camera - Necessary?
« on: January 11, 2017, 01:33:29 AM »
I would like to know if this is possible as well

Feature Requests / VR Viewer
« on: December 04, 2016, 02:39:40 PM »
Hi guys,

I have started to import photoscan models into Destinations VR viewer this past week.  It would be great if Photoscan provided a viewer for this type of thing.

It is a fantastic way of showing off aerial surveys.

General / Re: objects in Inspire Pro model are vertically slanted
« on: November 23, 2016, 01:25:04 AM »
I have had similar slanted data issues with a standard Inspire 1.  I found it occurred when trying to process small areas.  If you reprocess from the beginning without using the photo gps tags, this can be fixed.  Just make sure the GCPs you  use are correct.

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.3.0 pre-release
« on: November 04, 2016, 03:09:22 AM »
"Update Orthomosaic" does not seem to work in this release. 

After I create my shapes and select which photos to use, Pressing udate orthomosaic just removes my image selections I have chosen...

Any work around for this?

(edit)  The issue stemmed from changing projections and trying to rebuild the mosaic.  Old shapes just needed to be deleted to solve the issue.
Hello SuperNewb,

So is the problem solved or can be reproduced in 1.3? The shapes have their coordinate system stored in the project, so if you georeference the model in another coordinate system after drawing the shape, there could be problems, as the shape and the model would be in the different coordinate systems.

Yes it was in fact caused by my changing coordinate system.  Thanks

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.3.0 pre-release
« on: October 28, 2016, 11:42:07 PM »
"Update Orthomosaic" does not seem to work in this release. 

After I create my shapes and select which photos to use, Pressing udate orthomosaic just removes my image selections I have chosen...

Any work around for this?

(edit)  The issue stemmed from changing projections and trying to rebuild the mosaic.  Old shapes just needed to be deleted to solve the issue.

General / Re: Exporting for presentation?
« on: October 24, 2016, 10:46:14 AM »
I'm not sure if they are still letting people demo it, but you can try Geoverse MDM Viewer from Euclideon.  I use it for presentations and it goes over fairly well.  Camera is controlled via wireless xbox controller so you can let your clients navigate the model easily.

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