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Messages - Drakhain

Pages: [1] 2
Hi everyone,

Just for you to know, DNeg open sourced their point representation library. Might be useful as a novel internal storage and for pointclouds processing inside Photoscan.

This looks like this one but would be a little harder to manage.

Something that would voxelize the space in equally sized cells based on a user specified cell size settings and be allowed to select cells of interest + Being able to attribute different quality/accuracy by cell/cells zone would be also great.

Feature Requests / Re: Select front view picture for X/Y/Z orientation
« on: March 03, 2015, 03:44:45 PM »
Good idea too.
Anything that helps scene alignment is good.

Feature Requests / Psz file format definition
« on: March 03, 2015, 03:38:59 PM »
maybe a sensible subject  :P but would be great for those who can code but not afford python scripting enabled version of photoscan.

It would be great to have another "processing" pane that would show progress for each chunk being processed. This way we can still view/analyse and launch other computations.
Each chunk should of course be distributed to different core for systems highly "coreified" or networked.

General / Re: Ripple / staircase artifacts on 3D reconstruction
« on: March 03, 2015, 01:43:57 AM »
Thank you, i'll try to make less overlap between my shots and see the difference.

General / Re: Ripple / staircase artifacts on 3D reconstruction
« on: March 01, 2015, 12:13:21 AM »
Yes, it seems that optimization in combination with sparse cloud filtering does that, especially when i use a precalibrated camera for my chunks,but it do not understand why.

Recently i set tie points limit to. 0 allowing me to have enought points to filter.
I noticed that i get cleaner dense cloud, and it seems that having less reprojection error speed up dense cloud generation (all chunks's images still aligned)

But sometimes ripples appear, how can i correct this?
Should i let photoscan determine camera calibration during alignment, or be less brutal with filtering?

Feature Requests / Re: Gradual Selection as part of the batch process...
« on: February 28, 2015, 04:46:27 AM »
+1 to this too.

General / Re: Ripple / staircase artifacts on 3D reconstruction
« on: February 28, 2015, 04:38:45 AM »

I also have the same issue and do not understand why it happens.
I'm using a precalculated calibration obtained with agisoft lens, and let photoscan ajust them during alignment.
I always end up with ripples on flat surfaces and i do not know what to do.
Can someone help me?

Thank you.

General / Re: Aligning points - point limit
« on: February 21, 2015, 11:43:31 PM »

I've got a similar question.
I've read on the forum that points below 0.5 reproduction error are recommended and those after .8 are quite inaccurate. So i filtered my point with .5. After that their is not enough points to fully construct the dense cloud.
I do not really understand how to set my alignment parameter.

Can someone please explain how to avoid these disparities in my dense cloud.
Thank you.

General / Re: Reuse Depth Maps
« on: February 16, 2015, 05:24:10 PM »

Right now the only use i have for it is to be able to "pause" dense cloud generation.

General / Re: Reuse Depth Maps
« on: February 13, 2015, 04:03:42 AM »

There are two stages during densecloud construction.
The first is depth reconstruction, and the second is points generation.

If you checked reuse depth maps, photoscan skips already computed ones and generates the dense cloud.
It works if you do not change the filtering, in wich case it does the whole thing.

Feature Requests / Re: Save a selection as a chunk
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:43:20 PM »
+1 being able to create a chunk from a dense point cloud selection would allow to create very high quality meshes on more modest computers, and be easier to classify zones needing more attention.

General / Re: Has someone tried the xeon phi?
« on: February 05, 2015, 04:36:04 AM »
Thank your for the details. I didn't know these, i was considering an already built workstation (thinkmate for now).
Glad to know you'll do some tests, thank you.

General / Has someone tried the xeon phi?
« on: February 05, 2015, 03:58:00 AM »
Just by curiosity, has anyone ever tested photoscan with it, and is it good compared to a gpu ?
Thank you

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