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Messages - piab

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Re: 1.7.4 Update not recognising floating licence
« on: October 21, 2021, 12:39:37 PM »
Hi Alexey,

Sorry for the delay, I've been on leave.

I've tried putting it in both locations, neither have worked. I've checked and I can "ping" the server machine from my mac, with no issues.


Bug Reports / Re: 1.7.4 Update not recognising floating licence
« on: October 05, 2021, 12:46:57 PM »
Thanks Alexey.

Our lic file format is 1234 is that style of formatting now out-dated? I changed to "HOST any 1234" and that didn't make any difference...

Bug Reports / Re: 1.7.4 Update not recognising floating licence
« on: September 15, 2021, 04:01:30 PM »
Thanks Alexey. Unfortunately our IT team are hesitant about upgrading the server at the start of the semester, with many older working versions..

Is there any way I can force Metashape to find our lic file? Or are there any slight nuances in the order of download and install that I could have accidentally missed?

Best wishes,

Bug Reports / 1.7.4 Update not recognising floating licence
« on: August 31, 2021, 05:01:02 PM »

I've just updated to 1.7.4 and my lic file is no longer being recognised i.e. asking for license code etc etc on opening. It was working fine for my previous version 1.7.xx (I can't remember but think 1.7.1 ish). I'm connecting using a VPN, using MacOS with lic file in the MacOS folder.

Any thoughts or fixes? A colleague has had the same issue with a windows machine. I tried installing 1.6.6 as available in the downloads but it says the install is damaged, so I'm pretty stuck...


General / Re: Understanding Image Residuals
« on: February 09, 2016, 07:04:46 PM »
Thanks for your help Alexey,

Would you be able to give a little more information on interpreting these outputs?
(I've read the user manual, but I'm still a little confused)

Am I right in thinking that the reprojection error is an indication of model quality, and higher reprojection error indicates parts of the model which are less well modelled?

For example, I get the output below for one of the three cameras I use in my set-up. As only one image is used from each camera for reconstruction, I use pre-calibration (determined from an array of 30 images - these have a much smaller and evenly distributed reprojection error). 

- Is the blank space due to lack of tie points these parts of the images?
- Is the alignment/orientation of the reprojection residuals due to insufficient constraint in the X axis?

General / Re: Understanding Image Residuals
« on: February 09, 2016, 04:47:04 PM »
Yes! Great question! Have been wondering this myself. Anyone have any ideas?

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