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Messages - Meije

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General / Laser Scan import issue
« on: April 26, 2019, 04:49:26 PM »

So i am trying to import a laser scan into Metashape (scan: but i get the strange circular projection display'd in the screenshot below.

The initial file format was `.ptx` but i converted them in cloud compare to `.las` and `.ply` . Unfortunately i get the issue in the screenshot above for both files. Any ideas what i might be doing wrong?. Thanks.

General / Re: GCP coordinates from Trimble catalyst CSV
« on: May 19, 2018, 04:18:10 PM »

By definition, WGS84 heights are heights above the WGS84 ellipsoid. Not sure about UAV images being geotagged 'above sea level' - suspect they may be being tagged with altitude above take-off point.

If you're wanting to produce local co-ordinates, suggest you might want to look at EPSG:28992

Thanks!, and how about my first question on importing the accuracy from the CSV file?

General / GCP coordinates from Trimble catalyst CSV
« on: May 19, 2018, 03:23:53 AM »

I have a few questions on importing the Trimble catalyst GCP coordinates into Photoscan.

So the trimble CSV file i export has the HPrecision (Horizontal precision) and VPrecision (vertical precision). However, when i import the markers as CSV file in Photoscan and i want to set the accuracy columns, it asks me for the Longitude and Latitude columns, yet i only have one Horizontal precision column and not for both Longitude and latitude individually. I would assume my CSV `HPrecision` is ((Longitude precision + latitude precision)/2) but when i enter the same `Hprecision` column number in the Agisoft CSV importer for both the Longitude and Latitude precision, it, after import divides the  Hprecision/Vprecision. Is this correct?, If my HPrecision is say 0.7m and VPrecision 0.3, is it correct that the overall accuracy is 2.33 m?

Second question.

So the Trimble CSV gives me the `height above the ellipsoid (HAE)` in WGS84 instead of height above sea level. Is this good or should i somehow convert it to altitude above sea level?. For example those GCPs in the images were measured here in the Netherlands where we are about 0.8m above sea level, so saying a height of 44.8m sounds kind of strange. Thus far i was always used to my UAV images being geotagged with altitude above sea level. I read somewhere that this has something to do with the vertical reference not being in EGM96 but am not sure.


I hope this helps, let me know if you need any more info. I tried this on 4 machines on my university and all had the same problem (with different data sets), so it's definitely a bug.

I have found a workaround!

So the issue appears to be that after the alignment process the updating of the 3D view port causes Agisoft to crash. So this is what i did, i clicked on a camera from the list, this then shows me the photograph in the view port instead of the 3D view port. I then run the alignment and everything works!,  as it does not have to refresh the 3D view after alignment (which would cause it to crash).  So there is a 3D viewport refresh issue (maybe it momentarily tries to load all frames into the view port?). Anyhow, this workaround worked on all quality alignment reconstructions.

For the last few months i have been testing the Agisoft Photoscan's 4D timeline tools. Unfortunately Photoscan has a bug when doing the alignment step, it can't handle more than 200-300 frames, anything above that and it crashes. This is independent on alignment quality, i can set it to lowest quality and it still crashes. I have tried it across multiple projects with different data but it still crashes. Also, it would be great if we at least could do the alignment of only a few frames, which is not possible, it aligns all the frames which means that with this bug Photoscan is as good as useless for 4D photogrammetry. I have send many crash reports but i have yet to receive a report on what the issue is. I will upload a recording of the alignment and the crashing for you guys to see, maybe it helps to figure out the problem.

Hello Alexey,

Yes 64-bit version (also 64 bit windows). Yes there are coordinates present in the reference pane, i changed the script as you advised and that did add the coordinates in the reference pane, but now i can't update to the new coordinates...


I get a message 'not enough memory' when i try to change the local coordinate system, but my machine has 64GB of RAM, is this normal, what should i do now?


So normally to be able to produce a DEM i run a python script in Agisoft Photoscan that uses 3x detected markers (at a 90 degree angle, 6774 total markers across all frames) in all the images and orientates the models to the ORIGIN-X-Y plane to be able to produce a DEM. Now for single models or even a time-lapse(4D tools) of say 30-60 models this works fine. However, i am now working with data-sets of 1200 frames (140,000,000 total points of sparse cloud, which is allot of data). Marker detention  and tracking all goes well but when i run the script i get this:

2016-12-09 01:04:14 found X point

2016-12-09 01:04:14 Found center point

2016-12-09 01:04:14 found Y point

2016-12-09 01:04:14 Found all markers

2016-12-09 01:04:14 Traceback (most recent call last):

2016-12-09 01:04:14 File "C:/Users/meije/Desktop/Agisoft scrypts/", line 110, in <module>

2016-12-09 01:04:14 chunk.updateTransform()

2016-12-09 01:04:14 SystemError: error return without exception set

It looks like because the data-set is so large, it doesn't update the environment quickly enough (chunk.updateTransform()), please help me with these ASAP, this is urgent as these models are generated on a system that costs allot to run.


So normally to be able to produce a DEM i run a python script in Agisoft Photoscan that uses 3x detected markers (at a 90 degree angle, 6774 total markers across all frames) in all the images and orientates the models to the ORIGIN-X-Y plane to be able to produce a DEM. Now for single models or even a time-lapse(4D tools) of say 30-60 models this works fine. However, i am now working with data-sets of 1200 frames (140,000,000 total points of sparse cloud, which is allot of data). Marker detention  and tracking all goes well but when i run the script i get this:

2016-12-09 01:04:14 found X point

2016-12-09 01:04:14 Found center point

2016-12-09 01:04:14 found Y point

2016-12-09 01:04:14 Found all markers

2016-12-09 01:04:14 Traceback (most recent call last):

2016-12-09 01:04:14 File "C:/Users/meije/Desktop/Agisoft scrypts/", line 110, in <module>

2016-12-09 01:04:14 chunk.updateTransform()

2016-12-09 01:04:14 SystemError: error return without exception set

It looks like because the data-set is so large, it doesn't update the environment quickly enough (chunk.updateTransform()), please help me with these ASAP, this is urgent as these models are generated on a system that costs allot to run.

Scripts (attached)


Feature Requests / Re: DEM color export
« on: November 28, 2016, 07:27:27 PM »
Hello Alexey,

No it is not necessary for the output to be georeferenced, do you mean version 1.3.0 pre-release?, can i also capture the model evolution as a video with 'capture view'?, yeah, but i am having trouble finding a post-processing program that can batch handle 1000 DEM's for visualization, so far no luck. It would be a cool features for Agisoft future releases to allow color PNG image export of the DEM's.

Feature Requests / DEM color export
« on: November 28, 2016, 02:39:44 AM »
Is there a way to export the DEM as a .PNG or .JPG color image (like how we visualize them in Agisoft) with hillshade enabled?. I need to export 1000 DEM's from Agisoft but changing the color in Arcmap one by one is way to much work.

Hello Alexey,

Ok, but what do i do after exporting the sequence, is there any info about the processing required after exporting from Photoscan for 4D observation?, can photoscan viewer be used for this?

Ok, so i have a sequence of 3D models in Agisoft photoscan using the 4D tools, now i want to do the following:

1) Export all frames combined to be used for Dynamic VR observation, how can this be done?, what file format do i have to export the 4D model...?
2) I want to record the 3D deformation of my models in the form of a .avi video file for scientific publication, how can i record the deformation?, so far i managed to use a screen recording software, is there another way to do this?
3) I have seen YouTube videos of people using the 4D models created Agisoft for visualization using VR, is there any documentation/tutorials on this or has anyone here manged to view a 4D model using the HTC vive or the Rift?.


Hello Alexey Pasumansky,

It worked!, thanks alot!

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