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Messages - simon_29

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Importing IMU
« on: August 09, 2016, 08:14:32 PM »

I am currently working on a dam inspection. I have mounted 2 DLSR ( Pentax K3II - Pentax K50 ) for the aerial part  and 4 GoPros ( 2 Hero 4 and 2 Hero 2) for the underwater part,  on a bar fixed to a boat. During the acquisition I have recorded IMU data and I would like to import them in PhotoScan. In attachment you can find a drawing that shows how the cameras and the IMU are installed. The Position and IMU data that I am trying to import are referenced at my cameras location. Up until now, I haven't been able to import them correctly. I know I should put some angular offsets in the "Camera Calibration" menu, but I don't know what are the suitable values.

From what I have understood the Photocan Manual  (see the attachment "PhotoScan_Sing_Convention.png"), the PhotoScan frame is the same as the one from my IMU. However, my cameras are  "looking" perpendicularly to my boat's heading ("Mounting.jpg").

I hope someone can shed some light about this. If I am not clear don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you in advance !

Hi and thank you for your answer.

I haven't calibrated the GoPro beforehand and the lens type is checked as "fisheye".

The thing is, I made two acquisition of the same object (rocks of a seawall in my case) the same day. One in the morning around 9:30 am and the other one at 6pm. The aim was to see the impact of light for underwater photogrammetry. With the data set of the evening I get very good results ( I attached a picture of the evening session  to show you the difference between them). Therefore I know that, even without calibration, I should at least align cameras. But from what you said, the constant change in light would prevent PhotoScan from finding matches. What I don't understand is that, for somes pictures of the morning session, PhotoScan manage to align cameras although the light changes a lot between pictures as well.

I don't know if I am clear, but thank you very much Justin for your time and your answer. Have you some experience and feedback to share about underwater photogrammetry ?

General / Underwater Photogrammetry with GoPros - Alignment failures
« on: July 27, 2016, 03:55:26 PM »
Hi everyone,

I am using some GoPros (Hero 4 Black) for underwater photogrammetry. In order to have enough overlap between pictures, I have extracted every 10 frames an image from the 4K video. As almost no exif data is available in the extracted frames, I copied the meta data from an usual GoPro picture to all of my frames.

During the acquisition, I also recorded the GNSS Positions ( I have a position every second). The Hero 4 records 30 frames per second, so when I extract 10 frames, I have three consecutive frames that are within the same second. For those frames, I give the same position.

When I try to align thoses images I met some failures. In some cases, PhotoScan can't find any matches between two overlaping pictures.

I cannot send in attachment the pictures as the zip file is too big. Here is a link to download it :

In this  zip file  you can find two overlaping pictures, "GOPR0827 1232.jpg" and "GOPR0827 1233.jpg". Although the overlap is superior to 80%, I don't have any matches between them ("1232_Matches.png" and "1233_Matches.png").

For my whole project I have almost 1300 cameras. I have tested on a small set of cameras (9 cameras) and I cannot align them. I would like to know what I am doing wrong or what I should do.

Kind regards, Simon

Python and Java API / Re: Retrieving Chunk information
« on: July 15, 2016, 06:01:50 PM »
Thanks !

Python and Java API / Re: Retrieving Chunk information
« on: July 15, 2016, 05:07:35 PM »
I would like to know if there were a command to check if a camera is not aligned in a chunk. I could not find anything in the python reference pdf ( version 1.2.5).

Thank you in advance !

Hi everybody,

I have been trying to add some external packages to the PhotoScan Python distribution. I managed to add a package called "utm" but I haven't been able to add the numpy package. In attachment I put some printscreens that point out the error I get from PhotoScan.

It seems like my numpy package is incomplete or that Photoscan can't find some files. I downloaded my numpy package directly from the numpy website "".

If anyone knows why it is not working for the numpy package and could help me, I will be very grateful.

Thanks in advance.


Yes this is what I plan to do. I will look at the pixels across the middle line of my image: (1,2000) to (6016,2000) that fit with the strucutre I am studying.

Code: [Select]
steps = list(zip(list(range(0, sensor.width - 1, step)), [1]*((sensor.height - 1)/2)))

As a result I should get the borders of my image footprint, right ?

I think I get what you are saying. The four corners of my pictures corresponds whether to the sky or the sea (background with non relevant information for me, I have attached a printscreen ), so it is logical that the four corners don't intersect with my mesh.

Thank you for noticing it. I will try to estimate which are the last pixels that "see" my structure.

Thank you for your answer.

Hello Alexey, first thank you very much for such a quick answer! I have sent the psz file to You have probably received a download link. Just tell me if I need to sent it back.


Hello everybody !

I would like to compute the area covered for each of my cameras. I have already tried to use the code given as an example. I added the loop to go through each camera of my chunk. I also tried to select only the four corners. As a result i got ... nothing. It seems like it doesn't find any intersections with the faces of my mesh. Therefore I tried to add some pixels.  I got some results but it is not satisfying as I don't get the vertices positions corresponding to my corners.  I attached the txt file that I have at the end so taht you can see for yourself.

During the process I printed the position of the pixel I am using. It seems like I go through all of my corners [(0,0), (6015,0), (6015,399),(0,3999)] as my sensor.width=6016 and my sensor.height=4000. Nevertheless I don't get any vertices coordinates.

It is always for the same pixels that I manage to have intersections but never the four corners. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I barely changed the code from Alexey. I have tried many things but I don't have any ideas left. This is why I would like to know if there is anybody who met the same problem.

Here is the code:

Code: [Select]
import time
import PhotoScan

def cross(a, b):
result = PhotoScan.Vector([a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y, a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z, a.x*b.y - a.y *b.x])
return result

print("Script started")

#cam_index ="Input camera index (starting from zero): ") Manual selection of the camera
save_path ="Specify output file:")

t0 = time.time()
file = open(save_path, "wt")
file.write('FileName    Pixel x    Pixel y    Vertex Lon    Vertex Lat    Vertex Alt\n') # Header
doc =
chunk = doc.chunk
model = chunk.model
faces = model.faces
vertices = model.vertices

for camera in chunk.cameras:
    sensor = camera.sensor
    print(camera) #camera label

    step = 1000 #bigger value - faster processing.
    steps = list(zip(list(range(0, sensor.width - 1, step)), [0]*((sensor.width - 1)// step)))
    steps.extend( list(zip([sensor.width - 1]*((sensor.height - 1) // step), list(range(0, sensor.height - 1, step)))) )
    steps.extend( list(zip(list(range((sensor.width - 1), 0, -step)), [sensor.height - 1]*((sensor.width - 1)// step))))
    steps.extend( list(zip([0]*((sensor.height - 1) // step), list(range(sensor.height - 1, 0, -step)))) )
# Selection of the four corners:   
    #ltop_corner=PhotoScan.Vector([0, 0]) # left top corner
    #rtop_corner=PhotoScan.Vector([sensor.width - 1, 0]) # right top corner
    #rbottom_corner=PhotoScan.Vector([sensor.width - 1, sensor.height - 1]) # right bottom corner
    #lbottom_corner=PhotoScan.Vector([0, sensor.height - 1]) # left bottom corner
    # List of the four corners
    for x,y in steps:
        point = PhotoScan.Vector([x, y])
        point = sensor.calibration.unproject(point)
        point = camera.transform.mulv(point)
        vect = point
        p = PhotoScan.Vector(
        for face in faces:
            v = face.vertices
            E1 = PhotoScan.Vector(vertices[v[1]].coord - vertices[v[0]].coord)
            E2 = PhotoScan.Vector(vertices[v[2]].coord - vertices[v[0]].coord)
            D = PhotoScan.Vector(vect)
            T = PhotoScan.Vector(p - vertices[v[0]].coord)
            P = cross(D, E2)
            Q = cross(T, E1)
            result = PhotoScan.Vector([Q * E2, P * T, Q * D]) / (P * E1)
            if (0 < result[1]) and (0 < result[2]) and (result[1] + result[2] <= 1):
                t = (1 - result[1] - result[2]) * vertices[v[0]].coord
                u = result[1] * vertices[v[1]].coord
                v_ = result[2] * vertices[v[2]].coord
                res = chunk.transform.matrix.mulp(u + v_ + t)
                res =
                #file.write( "{:>04d}".format(x + 1) + "\t" + "{:04d}".format(y + 1) + "\t" + "{:.8f}".format(res[0]) + "\t" + "{:.8f}".format(res[1]) + "\t" + "{:.4f}".format(res[2]) + "\n")
                file.write("%s""\t""%d""\t""%d""\t""%.08f""\t""%.08f""\t""%.3f \n" % (camera.label, x+1,y+1,res[0],res[1],res[2]))
                break #finish when the first intersection is found

t1 = time.time()
t1 -= t0
t1 = float(t1)
print("Script finished in " + "{:.2f}".format(t1) + " seconds.")

I am not sure I have understood everything about the code, especially this step:

Code: [Select]
result = PhotoScan.Vector([Q * E2, P * T, Q * D]) / (P * E1)
 if (0 < result[1]) and (0 < result[2]) and (result[1] + result[2] <= 1):
                t = (1 - result[1] - result[2]) * vertices[v[0]].coord
                u = result[1] * vertices[v[1]].coord
                v_ = result[2] * vertices[v[2]].coord

If someone feels like explaining it to me, I would be very grateful. I am quite new to Photoscan so I don't really know if I should post my question in this topic or somewhere else.

Best wishes,


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