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Messages - Sirius

Pages: [1]
General / Re: System configuration check please
« on: September 08, 2017, 05:46:53 AM »
Might be worth considering waiting for the 18 core i9 that is on the way September 25 (like everything new it will probably be late though)
More cores - slower clock speed though.

I think the tool is only for auto classifying ground points.  Photoscan does not have a feature for auto classifying buildings that I know of.  If you need to do it in photoscan then you will need to classify the buildings manually.

General / Re: Reducing Model Size - Maintaining Accuracy
« on: August 25, 2017, 06:00:58 AM »
In workflow generate a mesh.  Do it on high for the maximum number of faces. 
After that is done run decimate mesh from the tools menu.  They key is choosing a suitable number of faces that is the balance between detail in the model and file size.  I guess that depends on what you are modelling and how big it is. 
I would say most Surveying software packages run on regular computers don't really like more than a million faces. and if you can get it down to 250,000 it would be better if you are not loosing too much detail for your purposes.  You will have to try it and see.
Then export it as a .dxf.

Don't try and generate the mesh with a smaller number of faces at the first step.  The result is not the same as generating the mesh on high then decimating to the desired number later.

Feature Requests / Dense Cloud Auto classification - buffer
« on: July 21, 2017, 01:42:04 AM »
The auto classification does a reasonable job at finding non-ground objects and re-classifying them as such.  However just at the edge of the object the ground classified points start to raise up before the classification changes to non-ground. 
For example:  Lets say there is a car park in the area being modeled.  I set the auto classify filter relatively tight, 50mm and 10 degrees. The filter does a good job of finding a car and changing the classification of most of the car to non-ground points.  Just around the edge however the points will ramp up 50mm before the classification changes.  Once a surface is created this leaves a 50mm platform in the surface of the car park which needs to be manually removed.
If we could add a buffer to the auto classify routene that changed points within a specified horizontal distance of any non-ground point to also be a non ground point the problem could be solved.

eg.  Once classification is complete there is  a second step where any ground classified points within a nominated distance of a non-ground classified point is also changed to non-ground.

Hard to explain so I attached a picture.



+1 would be good

General / Re: Noisy Dense Cloud
« on: February 13, 2017, 01:09:15 AM »
I'm no expert but have you tried using aggressive depth filtering?

General / Processing Service Provider Wanted
« on: February 13, 2017, 01:07:56 AM »
I have a fairly basic computer with an i7, 64gb ram and two GTX980's and that works well for most of my jobs. 
I have just completed flying a fairly large job that might be a little large for my computer to finish in a timely manner so I was looking at my options for outsourcing the post processing.

I would like Photoscan to process the job and I need the MAVinci plugin installed to optomise the system for a dataset captured with the MAVinci Sirius PRO (RTK)

The job contains
16mp images
22500 images total
process on medium

any recommendations for a service provider that can process that for me?

General / Re: "OpenCL not supported" message
« on: October 12, 2016, 05:46:42 AM »
Yeah I just had the same problem.  I blame either the recent Windows 10 update or a NVIDA update.  The entire NVIDA Geforce Experience program was missing.  Reinstalling fixed it.

Frank - I paid 100k (new Zealand Dollars) for my RTK enabled Sirius Pro UAV a couple of years ago.  They may be cheaper now.  That includes software for planning etc and a Photoscan plug in to make it all work.
As mentioned previously - still need to put in a few check marks to make sure its working and to make sure you didn't do something dumb like measure the base height wrong.
The bolt on RTK / PKK soloution mentioned here would be a lot cheaper I assume.  I might look at pricing one for my non RTK multirotor.

Feature Requests / Re: "Surface extraction"
« on: September 23, 2016, 03:12:21 AM »
You need to do the classifying in the point cloud - either with the automatic process, manually or both.  Then from workflow "build DEM" and select the point classes to build the DEM from.  If you just select the ground classified points you will have a DEM without trees etc in it.

Feature Requests / XYZ adjustment at export for DEM and Orthophoto
« on: September 22, 2016, 04:06:49 AM »
When exporting point clouds and models we are given the option to translate the data, ideal for making slight adjustments to make survey data match other surveys or if the datum requirements for the job change.  This used to be an option for orthophotos and DEMs in older versions of photoscan but seems to have been removed in the later versions.  Would it be possible to get this reinstated please?  It is much easier than manually adjusting the world files for orthophotos - especially if the job is big enough that the orthophoto must be tiled.  Adjusting the height of a DEM is also very important as I have not found a work around for this yet.

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