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Messages - Paula Lightfoot

Pages: [1]
Thanks very much, that's very useful to know!  I'm new at this...

General / Problem opening mesh (.3ds / .wrl) files in ArcGIS
« on: April 02, 2017, 12:43:37 PM »
I've been using PhotoScan v 1.3 to create georeferenced models from UAV imagery.  I've had no problem opening and working with point clouds and DEMs in ArcGIS v 10.3, but haven't managed to open meshes in ArcGIS.  I've tried exporting in .3ds and .wrl format and using the Import 3D Files tool in the Arc toolbox.  The files are ~1-4 GB each, i.e. a similar size to the point cloud files which I was able to work with in ArcGIS.
I was getting the error message "An attempt was made to reference a token that does not exist" and now I'm just getting the error message "No Valid Files" (even though I'm using the same files as before).
I can create a TIN from a .las dataset in Arc but only for the lowest density point clouds, and it's the high density ones I'm interested in.
Please can anyone give me advice on how to export and open meshes?

when creating a dense point cloud from the same photos, same GCPs, same camera position data and same settings (ultra high quality, moderate depth filtering) I get slightly different results each time.  Is that to be expected?  I'm trying to work out which parameters (particularly which level of depth filtering), gives the most accurate results, but it's hard to judge this if the results are different each time.

General / Question about depth filtering
« on: March 15, 2017, 01:15:01 PM »
While building dense point clouds from UAV imagery, I've tried mild, moderate and aggressive depth filtering to compare results and see which would be best for my project.  When applied to exactly the same data with all other parameters the same, I noticed that mild filtering produces a point cloud with the lowest total number of points and point density, while moderate filtering produces a point cloud with the highest total number of points and point density.  Aggressive filtering produces results that are in-between moderate and mild, in terms of number of points and point density.  Does that sound right?  I am new at this, but I was expecting moderate filtering to produce results in-between mild and aggressive, or is there no correlation expected between the level of depth filtering and the point density of the output?

Thanks, I'll try that, I can't do anything at the moment as it is still running (has been for 3 days now on the same model) but before I start another one I will look at the settings in NVIDIA control panel. 

Hi, is there any fix or workaround for this problem?  The only way I can get Photoscan 1.3 to work is to run it with the GPU disabled, this works ok but very slowly (over 40 hours to create a point cloud from around 200 UAV images at 'Ultra high' quality) so I don't see this as a practical solution. 

General / Re: Error message - GPU processing failed
« on: March 03, 2017, 06:04:48 PM »
Thanks Alexey,
I hadn't seen those posts, but it is definitely the same thing, mine also says "unspecified launch error at line 67". 

General / Error message - GPU processing failed
« on: March 03, 2017, 02:24:16 PM »
I've used Photoscan Professional v. 1.3 to create dense point clouds from UAV imagery at moderate and high quality, but when I try to create one at ultra-high quality from the same project I get the error message "hierarichal SGM failed. GPU processing failed, switching to CPU mode, unspecified launch failure".  Processing continues for a while using just the CPU, but it does not manage to complete.  This has happened twice. The GPU device is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (12 cores @ 954 MHz) and it is ticked as enabled in preferences.  Please can you give me any advice?

General / Re: How long to create dense point cloud?
« on: February 22, 2017, 08:03:53 PM »
I cancelled it and restarted from the beginning, it is working fine now.  There was a problem 'NVIDIA unable to recover from a kernel exception' but it is all ok now.  Thank you for your quick response!

General / Re: How long to create dense point cloud?
« on: February 22, 2017, 04:01:52 PM »
Hi Alexey
The Photos pane is open - when I click on the Console pane it doesn't open because it is still processing.  Sorry I'm not sure about where the processing log is redirected to, I haven't edited any settings related to that. 

General / Re: How long to create dense point cloud?
« on: February 22, 2017, 02:20:42 PM »
Hi Alexey,
There's NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970.  I think I will have ticked it in the OpenCL tab because I was following the very helpful Tutorial for Orthomosaic and DEM generation with GCPs and this instruction was on page 1, but I'm not sure if I can check right now...I'm wary of opening any other windows in Agisoft while it is processing, in case doing so might cause it to stop/crash.
Also I gave the wrong processor information in my first post, it's 1.9 GHz not 2.4 GHz (I had assumed the computer running Agisoft had the same specs as others in the office, but it is different in that respect).

General / How long to create dense point cloud?
« on: February 22, 2017, 01:37:19 PM »
Hi, this is my first time using Agisoft so I wasn't sure what processing time to expect, please can anyone tell me if this sounds right?  My project consists of 133 images taken by a UAV at an average ground sampling distance of 4cm.  The combined file size of all the images is 543 MB.  I have 7 ground control points, each marked in around 15 images.  The images are georeferenced including orientation information.  My computer has Windows 7 64 bit operating system, 2.4 GHz processors and 64 GB RAM.  I'm using Agisoft Photoscan Professional v1.2.  I selected 'ultra-high' quality (with hindsight perhaps not a good idea for my first attempt!) and started creating the dense point cloud two days ago.  It now says it is 34% complete, has been running for 45 hours and has 83 hours to go.  Also, the time remaining has increased, because yesterday it said it had 55 hours to go.  Does this length of processing time sound normal for a project of this size? 
Thank you very much,
PS I have created a dense point cloud from the same images using the UAV's software (Sensefly Pix4D) and it took around 2 hours. 

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