Fixed export of large AVI files (>4GB)
Since I was the one who reported this bug : thanks for taking a look at this issue !
If it's not too late in the development process, any chance you could take a look at this bug and feature request, which are also related to the export of animations ?
- Feature request : UHD-2 / 8K export (7680x4320 pixels) would be awesome : aliasing can cause some flickering issues. Exporting 8K videos, then converting then in 4K-UHD outside Metashape, would be an easy way to avoid most of those artifacts.
This would probably be an easy improvement, since it might only require to add a "7680x4320 (16:9)" option in the "Resolution" drop-down menu (see attachment dropdown.jpg).
- Bug : If I'm not mistaken, when exporting a video, it seems there's one unnecessary frame included. info about this issue if you want to check it : export a 24fps, 1 second video, open the file in Virtual Dub. It will show that
a) the number of frames is 25 and the video is 1.042 second long, not 1 second long ;
b) the last frame seems empty (using 1.6.3 : if I'm not mistaken, with 1.6.2, the frame was not empty).
See attached file frame-bug.jpg : on the top, frame 24, on the bottom, frame 25, nothing is shown.