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Messages - marilou

Pages: [1]
General / How to delete part of the dense model
« on: April 16, 2019, 11:56:06 PM »
I would like to delete part of the model .
How is possible to do it? And in which part of the process? When I align photos? When I build made dense cloud? Mesh? Texture?

General / Re: Export points < import to Cinema 4d very poor geometry
« on: April 11, 2019, 04:04:33 PM »
What do you mean export the mesh surface? How I do that? There is the option export to model (wavefront obj) but I tried cinema 4d, blender, and the model gets imported without textures because I can’t apply mtl file. 
What I want to achieve is to have the same quality of model (or points) as in Metashape.
Do you know how to export as a model but with the texture applied???

Please help! I have a deadline very soon!!!

PS in the photos attached you can see the settings of export as a model and as points

General / Export points < import to Cinema 4d very poor geometry
« on: April 10, 2019, 11:14:29 PM »
I use Agisoft Metashape and I took a series of photos of  very high quality of a facade. The mesh model (dense cloud) comes perfect. Great results! After that I exported to points (.LAZ).  I use local coordinates by default. (Anyway the options of the export are limited) . When I imported to Cinema 4d the geometry is very poor. The model is like pixelated! In the example of the photo attached the chunk is 39 photos , 50,448 points and 1) first align photos with the default settings , accuracy high, key point limit 40,000 and tie point limit 4,000. 2) then I built the dense cloud with high quality and depth filtering: moderate 3) at the end I build mesh with source data: dense cloud , arbitrary (3D), face count : high and interpolation enabled, point classes : all (there is no alternative about point classes). The final result is 2,120,120 faces and 1,065,792 vertices. The laz file is too heavy. Barely I could use Cinema 4d.
How could I solve these two problems?
The heavy file laz and the awful quality of the model when I imported to cinema 4d?

General / Photoscan video narrow passage how to
« on: March 17, 2019, 10:22:01 PM »
I have to film a narrow passage and import the video to Photoscan. How should I move with the camera in order the video is ok for importing to Photoscan?

Thank you for the immediate response.
I installed k mega pack codec to the latest version and I have updated windows 10. The problem remains.
I send attached an image with the two formats iPhone uses.

I am receiving  "a media resource couldn't be resolved" error when importing video even with the k codec mega pack installed to the latest update. I am running a windows 10 update in case the problem resolves!

I am running  on MacBook Pro windows 10 , 32gb ram and nvidia force 1 gb card!
PLEASE help!

I have to import a video of a space for a DEADLINE IN 2 DAYS and I have the video only available in mp4 format!

Pages: [1]