« on: September 23, 2021, 01:43:24 AM »
P1 is primarily about greater efficiency. But also quality. Don't get me wrong, the accuracy is similar, but the stability of the solution and the geometry of the photos is a class higher. For example, during the P4RTK mission I had a point multiplier of 2.5 - 3, on P1 I have 4.5 - 5.5, it changes a lot. The camera is less susceptible to the environment, the calibration parameters are very repeatable, etc. It also has its drawbacks - size, weight, but I prefer m300 and P1. As for your earlier questions - I confirm for P1 I only use K2, for P4RTK usually K3 but sometimes only K2. B1 and B2 always off in the case of P4RTK. For P1 and large areas, e.g. 600 ha, the inclusion of B1 and B2 gave better results.