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Messages - CastroCardoso

Pages: [1]
General / Questions regarding georeferencing, scaling and DEM
« on: October 03, 2023, 03:38:18 PM »
Hello, everyone!

I'm generating underwater (reefscapes) orthomosaics, and reading the user's manual I'm not being able to solve some issues regarding the topics mentioned in the title of this post.

1. Georeferencing
First of all, there's the issue of not being able to acquire georeferenced data from the photo's metadata, as they are obviously not avaiable underwater. I did, however, get one handheld GPS position from the boat, but I don't know how (or if it's possible, even) to use this single GPS reference of the project. If so, how can I input this information on the mosaic?

2. Scaling
Another issue I'm having is regarding GCPs. Along the reefscape, I  evenly distribute 5-7 metal bars measuring exactly 0.5m to use as scale bars. However, if I add one scale bar in a single metal bar and update the model, apparently the scaling works perfectly, which I verify using the ruler tool to measure the other bars, but I reckon that ideally we should use at least 3 scale bars. The problem is that, if I add markers and scale bars for every metal bar on the scene, then I get huge amounts of error. What could be causing this?

3. DEM
One important thing for measuring reefscapes is rugosity and structural complexity, and for these metrics I need to generate proper and accurate DEMs. I understand that I need to align the X and Y axis of the model on the grid, but I'm having trouble understanding how the Z axis behaves. I get that if I position the model (and it's region, of course) 'under' the grid, the points will be referenced as negative Z values, which is what I need, as I'm working underwater, so the depth should be expressed as negative Z. But how can I manually (and accurately) input the Z value (in other words, depth) of a GCP that I know the measured depth using a depth meter if the coordinates of a marker are related to the position of the model to the grid?

Thank you all in advance!

General / Re: Depth scaling introduces huge error to scale bars
« on: September 21, 2023, 11:28:12 PM »
Hello, Carol.

I work with orthomosaic for reef system environment as well and feel we could exchange a lot.
I also feel, by the way you write and your username, that you're Brasilian, which I also am. If that's true, we have even more to exchange considering the idiossincrasies of our reefs.
Hope we can get in touch.


General / 3D Model Selection Tool
« on: August 20, 2020, 03:08:36 PM »
Hello, folks.

I have a minor question regarding the selection tool on 3D models that I couldn't find the solution on the user manual.
I'm currently developing a project where we measure the area and volume of coral colonies using Metashape. To do this, I need to isolate the colony from the rest of the community by selecting and deleting some elements of the overall model.

The question is: when I select part of the model, everything behind it also gets selected. I would like to be able to select only the visible part of the model that I am currently selecting.

Also, is it possible to use the tool Measure Area and Volume on a selected part of the model? Or it's always going to calculate the whole area?

Thanks in advance!

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