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Messages - Garfields_Lasagna

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Wonky DEM of scanned images
« on: January 17, 2023, 01:09:50 PM »
Option A,
You should check the original images. I would assume that there is a difference in lighting/ exposure. This sometimes leads to changes in focus. And this can lead to blurry/ detailed DEMs. It looks to me like that.

Option B,
I also see that the overlap in this area is reduced or that the images are not homogenously spread. This can cause artefacts in a DEM.

General / Manual entering of camera accuracy vs. marker accuracy
« on: January 17, 2023, 12:13:39 PM »
Dear Agisoft-Team,

what is the effect of the manual entering of the camera accuracy vs. marker accuracy?

I have a project where I want to use RTK-data from a drone (estimated precision 10cm) and combine it with RTK-marker (estimated precision 2cm). Does this have any effect on the precision of the final location? How well do my estimations for the precision need to be?

In one project the precision of the camera location was wrongly set to 2 meters. Does this mean I have to calculate the full dataset again?

Best regards,

Camera Calibration / Filename extension "V" - What does it mean?
« on: November 21, 2022, 11:28:05 AM »
I know the typical filename extensions in metashape: NA = not aligned; NC not calibrated. But what does the extension "V" mean? They are images from the Mavic 3 Enterprise Advanced with a vignetting clearly visible on the corners of the image. Does it refer to this effect?

Dear Alexey,

thank you! Your proposed script works fine. At first I had some trouble as I added the file-type in the input-file, but once I skipped that, everything worked as supposed!

- Do you happen to know the command line/code where I can set the coordinate system of the output file? So that the the output coordinates would be in EPSG 32632 (UTM32).
- Is it possible to add the precision of each marker into the outputfile? I saw that each marker had a precsion in the reference menu, but don't know whether this could be extraced also via the script

Anyway those are rather small details. Thanks again for your script!

Best regards

Hi Alexey,

yes, it is a 2D-location on the original image. Normally it would be identified within one single image (so a single projection).

Dear Agisoft-team,

My starting point is a georeferenced densecloud and orthomosaick calculated out of geotagged images.

Within the project I'd like to perform the following steps within a python script:

1. Import a text-file with 2D-marker (cameraname/x-Position in Pixel/Y-position in Pixel)
2. Place marker according to the list's position on a camera/image (--> marker will be projected within dense cloud and orthomosaic)
3. Export a list of 3D, real-world-coordinates of generated marker

Some additional questions:
- Is this generally possible? In most cases the marker will be placed in just one image and would conesequently be shown as a white flag ...
- Do you happen to know the relevant command lines for the image x/y attachment and the placing of the markers on the exact image position?


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