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Messages - bravemaster3

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General / Re: DJI Phantom 4 multispectral in non ideal conditions
« on: February 14, 2023, 03:11:03 PM »
Hi, how many flights do you have here? Are they processed in single chunk? Please note that every single chunk can only have one set  of calibration parameters (set by reflectance panel). In case you process several flights in one chunk, you will have one properly calibrated flight and malcalibrated others.

Now, what intrigues me is that when I use the exported orthophotos to blend them in Orfeo Toolbox, you could see that the mosaic looks good. The mosaic in Agisoft looks what you saw....

General / Re: DJI Phantom 4 multispectral in non ideal conditions
« on: February 14, 2023, 03:09:33 PM »
Hi, how many flights do you have here? Are they processed in single chunk? Please note that every single chunk can only have one set  of calibration parameters (set by reflectance panel). In case you process several flights in one chunk, you will have one properly calibrated flight and malcalibrated others.

I have several flights, but for reflectance calibration, I calibrate each flight separately. So, I use one or 2 images of a single panel per flight.
Only after the reflectance calibration, I merge the chunks for further processing. I also tried processing chunks separately till the end, but didn't help.

General / Re: DJI Phantom 4 multispectral in non ideal conditions
« on: February 05, 2023, 09:55:25 PM »
And here is what I get when I take out orthophotos (radiometrically corrected and orthorectified during the same process in Agisoft... as in the first photo of this post), and mosaic it in Orfeo Toolbox instead.
Only problem, gaps are then not filled with this approach

So, I don't know, but something is off with the blending in Agisoft when illimination conditions are not similar, but as you can see it should not be since the same could be mosaicked well elsewhere.

I hope these help someone that has the same issue.

General / Re: DJI Phantom 4 multispectral in non ideal conditions
« on: February 01, 2023, 11:11:52 AM »
I just got some better results when using Average blending mode to produce the orthophoto instead of Mosaic mode. Not ideal because you can still see some evidence of not well blended seamlines, but definitely better than the mosaic mode for these datasets.
I am thinking of exporting the orthophotos individually and then I will try mosaicking in QGIS and see if that gives anything better.

I hope this helps anyone who might get into a similar situation.

General / Re: Phantom 4 Multispectral
« on: February 01, 2023, 11:06:27 AM »
Our collection occurred on an overcast day with no direct sunlight.  The resultant NDVI image did not show any obvious hotspots.

Did the orthophoto look good too? Some artefacts in orthophotos don't show much in NDVI since it is a normalized index. So, if it is an artefact occuring similarly in all bands (or particularly in Red and NIR bands that are relevant for NDVI), then NDVI might look good.

Anyway, I got better results (not perfect) with Average blending mode instead of Mosaic.


General / DJI Phantom 4 multispectral in non ideal conditions
« on: January 28, 2023, 05:19:51 AM »
Hello everyone,

I have read through all discussions and tried all kind of things, and finally thought of posting a question.
I have a bunch of DJI Phantom 4 multispectral (DJI P4M) images to process, and despite following the articles from Agisoft and other platform on how to best process them, I am having the problems pointed out by others, like in this discussion:
Maybe it is not the same kind of problem, but here is the thing:
I know I did not fly under ideal conditions, and had some direct sunlight in some images on a cloudy day.
However, I believe there is a problem in the way Agisoft uses reflectance panel values for calibration of DJI P4M maybe?
I am saying this because the orthophoto looks good with Sun correction only, but I get the image in attachment when I use a 20% spectralon panel. Note, the choice of that panel was made after plotting Sun sensor corrected values of 5%, 20%, 50% and 99% with their real values, and noticing that there is a ~linear relationship (measured vs actual reflectance) which curves into more exponential between 20 and 50% and above.

Anyway, the reason why I am suspecting a problem in the way Agisoft does the integration of a reflectance panel is double: Apart from what I mentioned earlier that the results are good without panel, I also tried to export sun corrected images from Agisoft and do reflectance panel correction per chunk myself in python and then run the rest of the processing in Opendronemap, and the result was good (unfortunately it is not a viable option for me as it takes long time and needs a lot of resources as I have a lot of missions to process).

I wanted to do the same (i.e. process those images that were panel-corrected by myself in agisoft but then I get a strangely quick processing, with mostly gaps in the orthomosaic).

Did anyone get very good well balanced orthomosaic in Agisoft despite having flown in non-ideal conditions using DJI P4M? If yes, any advice will be appreciated!

Thank you.

It is not a matter of panel. With or without panel, the problem is the same.

Feature Requests / Re: Feature Request : Copy Cameras
« on: January 14, 2023, 05:32:44 PM »
I also think this would be useful. For me, I wanted to use the same calibration images twice (the one before a flight and the one after the flight). This means importing them twice and masking them twice... Being able to copy to another chunk would be so much nice.

General / Re: Phantom 4 Multispectral
« on: January 11, 2023, 01:47:29 AM »
We have been using a P4M and a reflectance calibration panel from MAPIR ( )  along with this workflow ( to collect and process data from mid-Missouri.  Seems to work well.
This workflow looks like the other ones I have followed. Did you also have a mix of sun and shadows and get a perfectly balanced orthophoto without bright spots and dark parts?

General / Re: Phantom 4 Multispectral
« on: January 05, 2023, 12:01:29 PM »
Sometimes the calibration panel works well but other times not so much. For me, it mostly impacts some blue band captures.

One big issue is that the P4M has a different definition of vignette correction in comparison to Micasense so DJI is discussing this and trying to find the best way to solve the issue.

Given the vignette issue, I suspect that some other metadata values may not have a one-to-one correspondence with MicaSense metadata. Also, given that vignette correction is not successful, and it is part of the calibration panel routine, the calibration panel would need to be in the center of the frame so it isn't in a dark spot in the image. I'm not sure if anything else in the calibration routine "breaks" due to the vignette issue. The vignette can be solved with "calibrate colors" later on in processing, but the DJI metadata parameters might need to be translated to MicaSense equivalent, or the Agisoft code might need to be modified for the P4M.
Also, for troubleshooting this, I recommend against trying to use the sun sensor and just stick to panel calibration.

I think the sun sensor correction is still not doing a good job (when you don't have homogeneous conditions, i.e. if you have some images with sun and others with dark clouds on a cloudy day, you get some bright and dark spots in the final orthomosaic). I wanted to avoid that by not using the sun sensor, but the blue band alone had issues when the other bands looked good. The issue with the blue band was that there are strips of different values... but generally the reflectance values are a lot lower (e.g. 0.005 vs. 0.3 for instance) than the other bands, which is not usually the case in my experience with my sites.
Please note that what you see in the attachment (strips) is just in the blue band,which reflects in the true color composite attached. Here I only used reflectance panels.
The second attachment is the orthomosaic when I use the sun sensor for calibrating reflectance.

What I said about the blue band only is not true. This is because I did not create a mask for all bands but only for the blue bland for the panel reflectance correction... Now, the same happens to all the bands instead. So, that is normal because probably there was sun light during those parts of the flight.

However, the bright spots on the sun + reflectance correction is still a problem....

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