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Messages - acind

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Network error: "Can't read project: ..."
« on: June 30, 2017, 01:21:19 PM »

We have a Agisoft network cluster setup with 10 nodes that has been running fine for some time.

However after upgrading to version we have started getting these read/write errors:

2017-06-30 12:17:00 Error: Can't read project: //NETWORKDRIVE/Photoscan/PROJECTPATH/0/0/point_cloud.1/

This also causes the project to fail on open in the GUI.

looking at that failing .zip its written as "" file, and removing the .tmp extension allows us to open the project in the GUI, but the aligning processing seem to have failed.

What to do?


General / Re: Ring Flash
« on: March 27, 2013, 07:26:03 PM »

Im using a turntable setup with a ringflash and 2 softboxes for lighting and it works like a charm. The ringflash is mostly used to slightly lighten up the areas that the softboxes doesnt reach.

The lights are also polarized to remove the specular highlights which helps both the mesh and texture quality.
I have not however tried ringlfash on larger static environments, but I think it would work just fine.



This sounds awesome, is this version with the improved mosaic available somewhere?
I have been doing some reprojection in maya, but this would certainly speed up workflows.

General / Re: Geforce GTX 580 viewport performance
« on: September 21, 2012, 02:34:50 PM »

Enabling VBO support actually helped quite alot, thank you Olihar!

Why is this option not on by default? Seems like it should be..

General / Geforce GTX 580 viewport performance
« on: September 21, 2012, 12:29:38 PM »

Im recently switched from a ATI card to Geforce GTX 580, and while the aligning photos goes faster, it seems like the viewport interaction becomes slower and stalls for ~1 sec at a time. Especially when viewing a model in solid or textured mode. Im running the latest 306 drivers, I also tried older drivers which seemed a little bit better but other software Im running requires newer drivers.

Anyone else noticed this?

General / Re: camera with no exif-data
« on: May 28, 2012, 11:26:45 AM »

While on the topic, what EXIF tags are relevant to help Photoscan get the best possible results? Im using custom lenses with little to no EXIF data and Ive been adding the focal lenght manually, is there any other relevant info that I could add?


General / Re: slow exporting of .obj meshes
« on: May 14, 2012, 11:44:28 AM »
Thanks for the reply.
Export time went from 40 minutes to 40 sec when saving locally.  8)


General / slow exporting of .obj meshes
« on: May 10, 2012, 05:34:22 PM »


When exporting scandata from Photoscan as .obj files it rakes a really long time, a 2000000 triangle mesh takes up to 40 minutes to save. Other softwares such as Meshlab or ZBrush does this much more quickly. Is there any way to speed up this process?


General / Preferences P1 P2 and memory usage
« on: May 07, 2012, 05:05:25 PM »


Two questions:

1. In the preferences window, there are 2 options for Model Generation named "P1" and "P2". Does anyone know what they are used for ? I cant seem to find anything in the help files about that.

2. Is there any way to calculate how much memory Photoscan would need to generate a mesh from a certain number of photos? Say for example 50 18mpix photos with 50k alignment points found.


Pages: [1]