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Messages - CovaH

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Raw file batch calibration/sync of image exposure?
« on: July 09, 2015, 11:06:57 PM »
Haha, yeah that's a always a helpful answer. I had the same experience from the "auto" button, I don't know what it did, just moved around every slider randomly. I suspect there might be more steps to getting it working correctly, I'll have to look it up I suppose.

I have to say though, from my experience when working with computer programs of all types, it feels like I spend three times as much time troubleshooting things than actually working on what I'm supposed to nowadays. :P

General / Raw file batch calibration/sync of image exposure?
« on: July 09, 2015, 01:47:54 AM »
Thought I'd ask around here as people most likely have run into this problem while working with photoscan data.

I have 300+ images with exposure that varies slightly from image to image that I don't wan't to go through by hand. Does anyone know of a way to select a target image that I've calibrated correctly and have all other images match the exposure towards the calibrated one I selected?

I tried lightrooms "match total exposure" but couldn't seem to get it to work properly, maybe it's not what I want? I'm no real lightroom user so I don't know if I was just doing it wrong.

Seems like it would be rather easy for a program to batch align exposure/histogram vs a corrected image, atleast at a rough level?

General / Re: Good PS hardware setup?
« on: July 06, 2015, 12:50:41 PM »
Ok, I've been looking around now for some new hardware. And since I'm on 1150 socket now I have two options basically. Either I upgrade everything and get a new MB with new DDR4 ram and a new Xeon processor. This is a pretty pricey option.

Second option is to replace my 8GB x 4 ram sticks with 16x4 ddr3 ram sticks and replace my i5 4690K with a xeon processor that fits on a 1150 socket board. (They have a maximum of 4 cores). This would be the cheaper option.

So I'm torn between these two options, if I go for the cheaper one I'm afraid it wouldn't make that much of a difference. But the expensive option would be atleast 40% more expensive. It sucks I can't use DDR3 rams on 2011-3 socket MBs basically.

Any suggestions?

*Edit, I suppose the 2011 socket might be an option but it feels like it's quite old by now and about to be replaced entirely. Hard to find good parts for it.

*Edit2, There are older 2011 socket mainboards with 2 processor slots that could fit 2x4 core xeon processors slightly cheaper than a 2011-3 rig with a single 6core CPU, but it's a much older chipset and uses ddr 3 instead.

Since it seems like photoscan sometimes benefits from disabling CPUs or the GPU for some parts of the processing it would be nice with a checkbox in the batch rendering dialogs where you can set photoscan to automatically disable the CPU when rendering the dense cloud for example.

General / Re: Good PS hardware setup?
« on: July 03, 2015, 05:16:27 PM »
So, thought I'd make a reply to my own post rather than add everything in a single long post.

I have two more questions, where can I see the performance of my GPU and CPU in APS?

And, some people suggest that turning off all but one CPU during dense cloud calculations will improve performance, is this correct?

General / Re: Good PS hardware setup?
« on: July 03, 2015, 02:43:41 PM »
Hey! Yeah I've been looking at some of their benchmarks but couldn't find any specifically for GPUs and photoscan? From the CPU benchmarks it looks like I could cut processing time for some steps by 30-40% by upgrading to one of the higher tier i-7 CPUs.

But as you say, I think I'd gain the most from more GPU power. My Catalyst Control Center only says R9-200 series, but I installed some third party program that says ASUS R9 280X which sounds reasonable.

So, a cheap alternative might be to get another of those cards and bridge them?

Think I filled all my ram slots wit 4 x 8Gb sticks so none are free...

Ideally I'd like to be able to process a scene of high resolution images in 3-4hrs at the most, don't know if that's realistic though without going for an extremely expensive rig.

General / Good APS hardware build?
« on: July 03, 2015, 01:51:43 AM »
Hey, Is there anyone here who can give me some pointers on how to improve my PS performance? Currently I seem to be bottle necked at depth reconstruction and it's taking a really long time.

On medium settings with aggressive depth filtering for a 200 image project it can take up to 3 hrs just for the dense cloud step.

So, I'm thinking some new hardware might speed things up. Right now I have 32Gb DDR3 RAM, Intel Core i5 4690K and an AMD Radeon R9 200 Series Gfx card.

Where could I make the biggest gains from new hardware? I'm thinking I might have to get 2 gfx cards in sli, nvidia preferable? Perhaps invest in a slightly more powerful processor? I was considering xeons but from what I read here it doesn't seem to reduce the time of depth reconstruction all that much.

What I want to be able to do is run a project with 200 high resolution photos at high or preferably ultra high and perhaps moderate depth filtering, without running out of memory and not taking ages. A run like that might take 2-3days with my current speccs, not sure if I can even do it with my 32Gb RAM?

So, anyone can who can recommend a good set-up that is not insanely costly? I'm thinking I would prefer not to spend more than 1500-1800$

Right now my best guess would be, 2 new nvidia cards in sli with a lot of on board memory, upgrade processor to an i7 of some sort. That reasonable?

Feature Requests / Texture padding settings.
« on: August 26, 2012, 07:08:52 PM »
I'm pretty new to photoscan but it would be nice to have some padding settings to the build texture workflow. Automatic unwraps are not perfect but it would be helped some if the texture stretched a bit outside the UV element boundaries.

Right now when generating the texture you will end up with black seams across the object due to the resolution and precision of a texture not being enough to perfectly align with the UVs.

General / Re: ... about Networking Pscan
« on: August 26, 2012, 06:16:56 PM »
Would it not be possible to distribute the images used for processing on different machines and have each machine work on that part of the picture so to speak? Then combine the results for quicker processing.

General / What hardware components can improve PhotoScan speed?
« on: August 26, 2012, 04:42:54 PM »
So processing large images and generating the mesh shape can take a fair amount of time in Photo Scan, what hardware components can I invest in to help speed up the process?

Will more RAM memory give a boost to the performance or perhaps a better CPU? Right now I have 8Gb RAM and a quad core CPU. Generating a high detail mesh can take an hour.

Is there any way to distribute processing to other computers over a network? That is a feature that would be really useful otherwise.

General / Re: Equipment needed?
« on: August 18, 2012, 06:58:20 PM »
Thanks for your suggestions man, I'll probably go for the 600D. I'm sure I'll be back on these forums soon enough asking for more help. :) Thx again.

General / Re: Equipment needed?
« on: August 18, 2012, 01:17:01 PM »
It wouldn't be anything super complex. I'd be photographing smaller objects, perhaps the size of a mobile phone or a laptop.

I'm thinking of getting the

Canon EOS 600D
Canon EOS 60D

I like the foldable LCD display and they aren't too pricey for my purposes. Are those cameras something you could recommend for some semi-professional work and use with PhotoScan?

General / Equipment needed?
« on: August 18, 2012, 11:57:01 AM »
Hi, I'm very interested in trying out the standard edition of PhotoScan but I'm also about to buy a new camera. I'm wondering if there are any specifics I need to keep in mind when looking for a new camera. What can I look for to make sure it will be compatible with or improve the results of PhotoScan?

It will most likely be a digital system camera of some kind. I'm not that much of a photographer but I need it for some of the work I do, texture gathering and so on.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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