« on: September 12, 2015, 12:44:29 AM »
I have a bunch of images of a fairly self-similar surface, w/o GPS coordinates and few tie points. Lets say ~50 images.
If I try to reconstruct the scene with all 50, it does not work. If I do it with only 25, it works much better.
Would it be possible to do it with 25, apply the derived coordinates to each image, do it again with the other 25, apply those, and then perhaps if I do it with all 50, with the help of the "known" image location, it would work, and I would get a higher quality scan than if I only use 25.
Is it possible to take the PhotoScan-derived GPS coordinates and apply them to the image EXIF data? Is this something I need to do manually w/ a script, or is there some feature in PhotoScan that supports this?