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Topics - Alterco

Pages: [1]
General / Licence on New PC
« on: July 13, 2022, 10:14:32 AM »


The former PC I used crashed so I had to install my OS on a new one.
When I tried to activate Metashape with my licence key, it says that the "Activation key is already in use".
But as my old PC has crashed I can not deactivate the key.

How can I use my licence key ?

Thank you in advance.


Bug Reports / Dark orthophotography export
« on: January 25, 2021, 12:16:11 PM »


I use Metashape V1.6.5 b 11249

After exporting othophotographies in tiff format, they now appear very darker oppenned in my SIG software (QGIS 3.16).
The export in jpg format is ok. The exposition remains the same as in Metashape.

Should I correct my ortho before export ?

Thank you in advance for your answer.


Bug Reports / GCP problem
« on: May 09, 2019, 04:17:51 PM »


I am currently using the Metashape version 1.5.2 build 7838 (64bits).

Working on placing GCP on photos after alignment, dense cloud and meshing done.

It works well until a point where the pix error become huge (>100) and the referenced points are placed at wrong places.

I have to restart the software and open the project I was working on to continue the referencing.

The previous wrong points are still wrong but I can creat new points that are good.

The same chunks with faulse points can be referenced with no porblem until the problem appaer aggain (arround 10 gcp placed)...

For exemple (file attached) the same gcp marked during the problem and after a restart.



General / 8 bits Orthomosaic
« on: November 14, 2018, 04:31:16 PM »


I have just figured out that photoscan can now produce 16 bits orthomosaic.
I can not find in the changelog when the update happened...

My problem is that the software I use once the orthomosaic exported (QGIS) do not manage 16bit rasters...

In fact I have 16bit ortho because I treat 16bit raw photos, so I can produce 8bit ortho using tiff developped from the raw files...

I wonder if there is an easier way to export 8bit orthomosaic without having to redo all the processing steps I have already done with my raw files sets ?

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,


Feature Requests / Orthomosaic references
« on: April 17, 2018, 01:09:55 PM »

It would be very helpful to have the references of the photo use for each part of mosaic of orthomosaic.

On orthomosaics there are sometimes parts that are blurry because the photo chosen by the software is blurry.
In this case I chose to mask the blurry part of the photo used then the software chose another photo for the orthomosaic.
But when there are a lot of photos, it is difficult to find the right photo to mask.
It would be helpfull to have the reference of the photo used for the mosaic parts.
Here an example of one of my orthomosaic showing the seamlines of the differents parts used. A right clic on the blurry part could reveals the reference of the photo used.

What do you think of that idea ?

Best regards,


Feature Requests / Markers estimated coordinates export
« on: September 21, 2017, 11:13:29 AM »


It would be interesting to be able to export the estimated coordinates of markers even when the chunk is not georeferenced yet.

In my case, I could use then to orientate (level my chunk thank to the 3 point level tool in cloud compare).
Then I can use my new leveled markers coordinates to level my chunk back in photoscan.

As the estimate coordinates are not available yet, I use the draw point tool to create point shapes on my markers, then export the dxf to do my leveling stuff then come back in photoscan.

I manage to do the job but it would be more accurate to use the markers that are more rigorously placed.

What do you think ?



Bug Reports / Limited import of GCP
« on: June 22, 2017, 02:33:10 PM »
Something odly changed.
Working on a file with several chunks.
On the first chunk I imported a GCP coordinates file like always.
Almost 600 points have been imported without problem.
On the second chunk, I tried to import the same csv and le listing of point was limited to 11 lines.
Seens I never been able to import more than 11 points by file...

Things I tried that did not worked :
- import other markers list.
- close and reopen the file
- close and reopen the soft
- try with a new file
- reboot the PC
- update the soft

I have no more ideas...

This bug is really disturbing...

Does anybody add such problem ?

Thank you in advance if you can help me.


General / Volume computation
« on: December 05, 2013, 04:07:52 PM »


I am trying to estimate the volume of a mine gallery.
The mesh has bee scaled thanks several scale bars.
I have closed the holes with the close holes command.
then when I compute the volume, it gives a negative value.

I wonder if there is a problem or if I just can take the number as an estimation ?

Thank you in advance for your reply.



PS : I use Photoscan 1.0 1748 (64bit)

General / Problem with markers
« on: May 06, 2013, 06:05:57 PM »


My problem occure with a scene where I used georeferenced targets (surveyed with a tacheometer) to georefence my 3d model.

First, I have run photoscan to align, build geometry and produce texture with my set of images.
The process goes to the end producing a quite good 3D model.
The geometry seems to be accurate.

Then, I switch to the ground control markers creation mode to create the markers on my targets to next declare the real coordinates.

So, I create the markers by pointing them on the photographs where they are visible.
Looking to the markers in the point cloud, it seems that some markers are well positioned whereas others are completely at a wrong place...
Then, when I set the georefenced coordinates, the result is not good (looking for the alignment of different 3D models supposed to be all georeferenced in the same system).

Finally, the problem seems associate with the misplacement of some markers.
I could only keep the markers that seems well placed but doing this I wonder if my model is really accurate. Moreover, the georeferencing seems remaining inaccurate when I look to the others georeferenced parts.

Does someone have encountered the same issue ?
And what can I do or test ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Adrien A.

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