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Topics - Mohammed

Pages: [1] 2
General / Basemap not load properly
« on: March 30, 2024, 07:23:55 PM »
Dear Agisoft,

I work on an underwater site, the site is geo ref, when i display the basemap it looks very blurry when i zoom in (image attached) when i zoom out too much the base map load correctly, any idea if its a bug?

General / Filter selection issue
« on: April 02, 2021, 03:35:27 PM »
Dear Agisoft,

I have a full building model of 50 million poly while i go to filter by selection option to clean some extra mesh the model still read the full 50 million poly and the model is still heavy to manipulate in the scene.
Please any idea to fix that?

General / application font issue with 4k screen laptop
« on: March 11, 2021, 08:58:16 PM »
Dear Agisoft,

I hade a new computer with 4k screen resolution but once i install MetaShape the font of the application didn't become right (see screenshots) they are too big or too small.
I tried to change the High DPI but it didn't work! 
The same issue with Agisoft delighter.
Could you please fix it?

General / Panorama not working well
« on: April 19, 2020, 08:42:40 PM »
Dear Agisoft,

I have some images taken from same position to creat a panorama inside MetaShape but every time gives me different wrong results, i even tried the dataset  provided from your website and gives me  also wrng reults. Did i do something wrong?
I import images
2- make camera groups
3- set the group as Stationary
4- Aligh photos?


General / Marker name not shown in the 3D view
« on: February 24, 2019, 03:26:13 PM »
Dear Agisoft,

Could you help me to know how to enable the marker name in the 3D viewport? (see attached image)


General / Issue in orthophoto generation
« on: February 22, 2019, 12:41:43 AM »
Hi Agisoft team,

Some times i use V1.1.6 to create Orthophotos underwater because it treat and blend underwater colors (especially high light areas) in a very good way , now after i align photos used Metashap i saved the file in PSZ V1.0 format then build the ortho in the old version the result of the final ortho photo looks like stretched all the images and it looks so bad, i believe its a bug could you please check it?.


General / Import pointclouds from LS to MetaShape issue
« on: February 15, 2019, 04:01:47 PM »
Dear Agisoft team,

I tried to import poinclouds from LS (approx. points 500 billion points) to build the mesh but MetaShape took 15h  import and stop in 92%, i have 32g rams with GTX 1080 and cor i7 6 cores.
Is it a bug or a computer issue?


General / Use strict volumetric masks is missing in V1.5
« on: January 29, 2019, 08:57:20 PM »
Dear Agisoft team,

I coudn't find use Use strict volumetric masks option in V1.5, any tips where can i found it?


General / Cylinder Ortho projection issue
« on: December 29, 2018, 12:12:15 AM »
Hi Agisoft team,

 Couple of months ago i scanned the Nilometer of Kom Omboo temple in upper Egypt (see snapshot 01) this scanned area took a cylinder shape with different width, i attached a snapshot that will clear what i mean (see snapshot 02) so while i create the ortho projection cylinder from DEM or ortho (the same) it created it nicely but there's a big problem that the bottom part is not in the same width of the upper so when i create the cylinder DEM it stretched the bottom part which not suppose to happen. (see snapshot 02 also).

PS. Alexey i can send you the project file and add it to the tutorial you will do regarding to cylinder/ half cylinder ortho projection if you wish, but could you tell me how to solve this problem please?

Sketchfab full model


General / Anafi Parrot Drone- Wide vs Rectilinear lens
« on: December 19, 2018, 03:33:46 PM »
Dear Agisoft,

Next month i will work on a big site use Anafi parrot drone and i found that in the drone i can choose between Wide lens and Rectilinear lens, i read that rectilinear lens correct the images that yields images where straight features, such as the walls of buildings, appear with straight lines, as opposed to being curved.

So what is the best to use the default wide lens or rectilinear lens, i'm afraid that rectilinear will confuse the calibration inside the software?


General / GPU not work correctly
« on: December 15, 2018, 10:12:44 PM »
Dear Agisoft,

I have a question regarding the GPU, i have GTX 1080 and since i bought this video card i process many projects and in the task manger i never seen the GPU power process exceed than 20% in the hole Workflow (from Align to build texture) Always the CPU is 100%, is there a problem in my GPU or it's normal?


General / UDIM
« on: December 11, 2018, 08:44:20 PM »
Hi Agisoft team,

I have a question regarding to UDIM.
For example i generated a 3dmodel in Metashape, export it and correct the UV texture to a many atlas UDIM (for example 4 texture map). So can i bring it back to Metashape and use Keep uv command and put in texture size/count = ex. 4096 X 4 so all the 4 texure will be corrected like i did in the external software? i know i can do it with one texture map but i just wonder can i do that with UDIM either.


General / A bug in the new update V1.4.3
« on: July 13, 2018, 11:03:09 PM »
Dear Agisoft,

Thanks for the update, But after i build the mesh and use the Gradual selection tool the software crash i tried it many times and the same happen, please fix it.
See snapshot

Other issue but not a big deal
 while i upload my model on sketchfab and put the Title name it's not shown on the website and shall modify it by myself.

General / 3D PDF-file exported in wrong position
« on: May 28, 2018, 10:20:54 PM »
Dear Agisoft team,

Not a big problem but i used in the previous version of PS when i export PDF 3D file in a specific position from PS it shown in PDF in the same exact position but from V 1.4.2 every time i export PDF in any positions it shown in PDF in wrong way like upside down or some times a way from the view or Zoom out too much. 
Can you confirm that it is a bug on the new version or its normal as i said it dosen't happen in previous versions?


Dear Agisoft,

A problem i faced in the new Version 1.4.1 while i export a very high Q Ortho-photo into blocks (15k per block) noted that the Ortho is Georefe. in the real coordinate so after that i put the ortho into Autocad 2018 (note the ortho in JPG attached with World file), hit Georef command then nothing happen i tried with overall ortho limited to 30k and it works fine in Autocad. So is there a problem with Geo ortho split to blocs?


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