General / Close holes... useless?
« on: April 06, 2015, 08:00:43 AM »
Id like to use the close holes function so that I may project the texture on that area but lets be honest here, am I missing something or is the command essentially useless? The polys is uses to fill are... gross, like a huge mess that usually requires more cleanup than should be required. Maybe the pro version at least has some kind of subdivision instead of laying down 400 foot long, micro-thin overlapping polygons all over everything?
This and a few other lack of essential features have me at a loss, which is sad because Ive been behind this piece of software for a few years but my zero-budget doesnt allow me to plunk down thousands for the pro version, especially since its missing key features (That Autodesk will no doubt soon implement)
This and a few other lack of essential features have me at a loss, which is sad because Ive been behind this piece of software for a few years but my zero-budget doesnt allow me to plunk down thousands for the pro version, especially since its missing key features (That Autodesk will no doubt soon implement)