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Topics - vfxman222

Pages: [1]
General / Ikea Lack Photogrammetry Turntable
« on: June 11, 2018, 07:31:40 PM »
Thought somebody might be interested in this DIY info. I just put together an article post going over the steps I took to convert an old Ikea Lack table into a small object capture station. Complete with Azimuth circle, 22" lazy susan, and a glass top to allow for bottom capture of items.

There are tons of photos showing the process and links to materials used.

You can view the 3 page article here:

Face and Body Scanning / Texture is mangled
« on: January 29, 2017, 03:28:56 AM »
This is the first time I've come across this issue. My texture is crazy mangled when using no matter what mapping mode I choose. I really need to use "Keep UV" though.

My pipeline:

- Do standard solve in PhotoScan.
- Export Raw mesh as OBJ.
- Import OBJ into Wrap3
- Import Base mesh from C4D (It is a quad mesh 26k polys)
- Do Wrap3 wrapping function
- Export the new OBJ
- Import the new clean obj mesh into PhotoScan (seems it doesn't like quads and retriangulates the mesh to 52k)
- Run Texture process with Keep UV, Mosaic, and Enable Hole Filling

I attached a screen cap of what I get. Any thoughts on the cause?

General / Anyone use R3DS: Wrap with PhotoScan pipeline yet?
« on: May 27, 2014, 08:31:32 PM »
Has anyone used this yet? I tried the original initial demo many months ago, but was unable to spend much time playing with it. Version 2.1 just released this weekend it looks like and I was curious if anyone has had decent results with a full body human being processed though this. Maybe a useful bridge for the UV conversations. Granted the cleanup process still needs to happen via ZBrush (or insert app of choice), but if this works as simply as it portrays, it looks to be very helpful.

Saw another post, that seems to have fizzled out here when Wrap was released.

General / Parameterizing texture atlas... hangs at 70%
« on: April 30, 2014, 12:01:32 AM »
I found this thread, but no resolution seemed to be present there.

I have a full body solved and meshed. I have three versions right now that I'm testing, a 7.5 million poly, 2 million poly, and a 500 thousand poly version. No matter what I try I either get an out of memory error or it just hangs for hours. This has happened with a 8000x1, 4000x1, and now currently on a 2000x1. I was able to get a 2000x8 to export on the 7.5 mesh at one point, but the result was horrible. There were random black patches everywhere and the seams showed. I've been able to output up to 16k textures in the earlier PS versions, even the 0.9 beta. My machine is not a beast, but it has handled much larger pieces than this previously, including a scan of the the front of our office building.

OS X 10.8.2
24 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 RAM
2x2.93 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
2 ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB graphics cards

PS version:
1.0.2 build 1824 (64 bit)

It would be extremely handy to know which points are related to which camera. I run into numerous times where I have a camera or few solve very off axis from the rest and I like to remove the trouble camera sometimes, but It's a guessing game as to which camera holds the troublesome solved points. I usually have to guess an remove cameras, or transfer them to another chunk to see if they are the problem camera. Removing is annoying because it's not undoable, but the chunk method is annoying too. Simply having an auto select points feature would be appreciated.

Face and Body Scanning / Single camera human captures (feedback welcome)
« on: January 10, 2014, 10:48:22 PM »
Hey all, just wanted to show a result I got recently. I started experimenting with Photogrammetry last november, but have been a long time reader of the craft. Gotta say that Lee has been a big inspiration with his high quality work with full body and 4D capture work.

I work as a Visual Effects TD, compositor, 2d/3d matchmover, and ExtendScript & Python script coder. The need for more on set data over the years is what sparked the push to dive full on in with this stuff. I originally started with interior location capture using iPhone 5S, Canon Rebel XT 350D, but have progressed to Canon 5D Mark iii. These are my first ever human attempts.

Gear used:
     Canon 5D Mark iii (22mp)
     Canon 50mm f/1.4 lens

Currently working on indoor lighting setup, but these were tests and I captured them outdoors. First one during sunset, the second one during overcast day.

First attempt: 17 shots

Second attempt: 43 shots

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