« on: January 16, 2014, 01:05:39 AM »
I'm fairly new to photoscan and my dense point cloud creation is taking an incredible amount of time, is there any way to cut this down significantly? My computer has 16gb ram with a 2gb video card and an i7 processor, so not incredibly good, but not terrible. Also a bit about my setup, I'm shooting 120 frames total using a turntable setup with 5 5dmkii cameras. the turntable stops 24 times and fires and fires all five cameras simultaneously at each stop. Shooting on white seamless background, full length shots of people at 50mm.
Alignment of the images only took about 30 minutes or so, however when i create a dense point cloud on "high" quality or whatever, it seems like it's going to take 10+ hours. This is fine if i know the final product will come out great, but while testing it is a serious bummer having to wait this long and potentially come up with a crappy model. I understand that lowering the quality will work faster, but i want the highest quality possible. Any ideas or suggestions to help speed up the process?