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Topics - ricky4207

Pages: [1]
General / Reimporting Mesh
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:36:00 AM »
So I have just attempted to clean my mesh in zbrush and reimport the mesh back into agisoft for retexturing, however my mesh has moved.  Not a lot, just a little, but enough that the texture isn't right.  Is there a way to get it in the same spot, or a way to ensure I don't move it in zbrush?

General / Importing masks
« on: February 13, 2014, 06:21:34 PM »
Hi everyone, I am currently trying to figure out how to import my masked out images that are saved as psds

I saved them all as PNGs and upon bringing them into photoscan they come in with a white background.

Can i export the masks for each image in photoshop, then import mask in photoscan?

How can I bring these masked images in without a background easily?

I have tried the mask from background option and it works pretty well, but I want to be more precise and the tools in photoscan can be annoying.


General / Fixing meshes and retexturing
« on: February 04, 2014, 10:52:15 PM »
Hey everyone I'm just starting to get some pretty decent results doing full body scans and I'm curious as to how everyone cleans up their models, if at all.  I am looking to smooth out unwanted bumps along the ears and nose and smooth other surfaces that came out bumpy in the mesh.  Also, once you do smooth and fix parts of your mesh, how do you go about re-applying the texture to the new mesh?

I have access to z-brush and I think that may be the answer as to how to fix the mesh, but I have never used it and would love some insight on the workflow between z-brush and photoscan.

Face and Body Scanning / Compensating for clothing without much texture
« on: February 02, 2014, 07:27:14 PM »
So I have done many full body scans now, and shooting people in suits and dresses tend to come out very poorly, sometimes bare legs come out pretty bad, if at all too.  Now I understand that shooting stuff with a lot of texture is better as the program can find more points because of that.  My question is if there is a way around this?  Can I put something on my turntable or something to help find more points without disrupting the clothing?

I have also been wondering if since my cameras aren't moving, I can somehow save the camera alignment or location from one set of photos and apply it to multiple sets of photos.  If so, would this help with my nontextured clothing issue at all or not really?


General / Makerbot Printing
« on: January 30, 2014, 02:11:52 AM »
I am currently trying to figure out how to print my full body scans with a makerbot replicator 2, however I can't seem to get it started right, it messes up the feet thus sabotaging the print from the beginning.  Any tips on how to align models on the platform, or settings to make the print go smoothly?  Thanks!

General / Best IPAD app for 3d model viewing?
« on: January 30, 2014, 02:06:41 AM »
I am looking to load my .obj models of full body scans to my IPAD and have found that meshlab works technically, but the aesthetics are fairly poor and not something I would like to show other people.  Are there any recommended apps for ipads for 3d model viewing?  Thanks!

Face and Body Scanning / Best Positioning of cameras?
« on: January 28, 2014, 01:56:05 AM »
I'm fairly new to photoscan and I've learned alot about the program very quickly, I have five cameras pointed at a turntable in an arc-ing manner, but feel like I need to pull the upper cameras back further, and lose the arc as it doesn't seem to help make better scans. I have attached my most recent scan with the cameras pulled back a little, but I'm thinking they should almost be in a vertical line straight up and down.  I have a lot of overlap on my top 3 cameras, however I want the best face scans I can get.  Is it good or bad to have lots of overlap on the upper body?

Any advice on the best camera placement would be great!  thank you

Face and Body Scanning / Inconsistencies and poor facial reconstruction
« on: January 22, 2014, 03:56:25 AM »
So I am using a 5 camera turntable setup and I am attempting to make full body scans, however the camera alignment is very inconsistent, and on the best ones the face tends to be partially ripped off, or lumpy.  I have attached an example of a great camera alignment and a typical poor camera alignment.  Is there a way to achieve more consistent results regarding camera alignment?  Also what are some tips for fixing the face?  Lastly, how can areas like behind the ear, and behind the hands come out better?  The lighting is fairly even, but since i'm using a turntable some frames may produce shadows behind the ears, under the hands, etc, while other frames don't.  Thank you all!!

(the good camera alignment is the one with the dome -like look, the poor one has cameras scattered all around)

General / Same settings, todays renders came out totally pixellated!
« on: January 18, 2014, 12:52:55 AM »
So I am very new to this application and created some great models yesterday, very high res. and I was very happy with the results.  Then suddenly today all my renders came out super pixellated, what happened!  I have attached screenshots of todays vs yesterdays renders.  I believe I am using all the same settings as yesterday, what could have caused this?  Thanks

General / How to mask entire row or chunk?
« on: January 17, 2014, 08:08:39 PM »
I am currently using a turntable setup with 5 cameras, and the only way i've been able to successfully mask my photos using a blank background frame is to pick each photo individually, and select the mask for each photo.  This is incredibly tedious and time consuming, now I know there is an option for "entire chunk" when importing masks, however when i select this option and go to the mask view in the photo pane I don't see that any masks have been created.  Any input would be appreciated!

General / Long Processing time
« on: January 16, 2014, 01:05:39 AM »
I'm fairly new to photoscan and my dense point cloud creation is taking an incredible amount of time, is there any way to cut this down significantly?  My computer has 16gb ram with a 2gb video card and an i7 processor, so not incredibly good, but not terrible.  Also a bit about my setup, I'm shooting 120 frames total using a turntable setup with 5 5dmkii cameras.  the turntable stops 24 times and fires and fires all five cameras simultaneously at each stop.  Shooting on white seamless background, full length shots of people at 50mm.

Alignment of the images only took about 30 minutes or so, however when i create a dense point cloud on "high" quality or whatever, it seems like it's going to take 10+ hours.  This is fine if i know the final product will come out great, but while testing it is a serious bummer having to wait this long and potentially come up with a crappy model.  I understand that lowering the quality will work faster, but i want the highest quality possible. Any ideas or suggestions to help speed up the process?


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