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Topics - Helimax

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / The model moves and rotates during creation.
« on: October 08, 2024, 01:32:07 PM »

When generating a model from the imported point cloud, it does not have the same position as the point cloud. It undergoes translation and rotation.


Feature Requests / Inteligent seamlines / cutlines
« on: February 07, 2017, 06:28:25 PM »
Hi !
There is only one thing missing to PhotoScan to be perfect, it is an algorithm that calculates the location of the seamlines so that they could avoid elements such as houses, walls, marking on the ground ...

Do the developers work on this project ?


Agisoft Viewer / Agisoft Viewer
« on: March 30, 2016, 04:32:33 PM »

I can not open 3D model with Agisoft Viewer (.tls or Agisoft Tile Archive .zip)

I export from Photoscan Pro my tiled model but when I open it with Agisoft Viewer, panel is empty (see attached screenshot).

I can open Oc3 file (dense cloud).

Best regards


Python and Java API / Load a calibration file - precalibrated project
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:19:25 PM »
Hi !

I start with Python but I managed to do a lot of things thanks to this forum.
I'm stuck fort import calibration file (xml).

I saw this post but there have been changes since :

My script just below :

import PhotoScan
import os
import glob

app = PhotoScan.Application()
doc =
chunk =

AerialImageFiles = glob.glob("C:\\TRAVAUX EN COURS\\Agisoft Photoscan\\TEST SCRIPTS\\UHD Phototec\\431\\*.jpg")

cam = chunk.addCamera()[0])
# Load sensor calib
user_calib = PhotoScan.Calibration()
# build sensor object
sensor = chunk.addSensor()
sensor.label = "MyCamera"
sensor.width = 7360
sensor.height = 4912
sensor.fixed = True
sensor.user_calib = user_calib
user_calib.load("C:\\TRAVAUX EN COURS\\Agisoft Photoscan\\TEST SCRIPTS\\Calib.xml", "xml")

print("---Loading images...")
# load each image
for FileName in AerialImageFiles:
   #print("File: " + FileName)
   cam = chunk.addCamera()
   if not(
      app.messageBox("Loading of image failed: " + FileName)
   cam.label = FileName
   cam.sensor = sensor

os.chdir("C:\\TRAVAUX EN COURS\\Agisoft Photoscan\\TEST SCRIPTS\\UHD Phototec\\431")

There is no error message, but all calibration parameters are = "0"

My xml file (calibration) is ok when I load it "manually".

Can someone help me ?



Feature Requests / Mesh boundaries
« on: February 21, 2014, 02:20:09 PM »

For some projects it's not possible to use the bounding box for project limits (corridor, curve...).

It would be great to draw the boundaries of the mesh using a tool like the intelligent scissors (used for masks).

Currently, mesh boundaries follows segments of the mesh pieces. Consequently, the orthofoto limits are not straight (see attachments).

General / Seamlines in 1.0.1-1812
« on: February 13, 2014, 01:55:07 PM »
In the previous version of PhotoScan, Seamlines were blurred which made them almost invisible. In the new version, the cuts are sharp which makes them visible.
Moreover, seamlines are sometimes twisted without any reason. (see examples)

Work parameters :
Dense cloud : medium
Classified ground points (auto)
Mesh on ground dense cloud (medium)
Decimate mesh
Ortho : mosaique

Is there a parameter that has escape me?

As seen in other posts, it could be great to manually choose the Seamlines. Or otherwise avoid passing on elevation objects when the points of the dense cloud are classified.


Bug Reports / Resolved - Unable to open a project just save with 1.0.1
« on: February 11, 2014, 02:47:34 PM »
Hi all.
We have a nearly same problem that HenriPierre.

We have the 1.0.1 build 1812 (64-bit) - Windows 7 familial premium, 8GB and an i7 870 @2.93Ghz.

All was ok until today, but this morning when we save a project, then close it, and then try to re-open it, we have an error : "Can't open file".

Older projects made with version 0.9 can be open, saved and re-open.
Even a project made last week with 1.0.1 can be open and save as and re-open without any problem.

So the problem is just for the new project of this morning.

We tried to uninstall and re-install photoscan without success.

We tried a small project with only 2 photos, and it is the same problem, we can't re-open it after saving and close.

There is an attachment of a little project for example.

Thanks for helping.

Pages: [1]