Camera Calibration / Quick Question - RTK/PPK precision, drone image position accuracy
« on: September 14, 2021, 11:59:45 PM »
For my use case, I will not do any 3D reconstruction, but I COULD do it with the images that I acquire. But I need an accuracy of the camera locations of better than 3-4cm in all directions. Now I'm reading all sorts of stuff how people are improving their "precision", by putting just a few ground control points into their scan.
So here's my question for you pros:
Does this use of GCPs improve only the precision of the SCAN DATA, or also the precision of the CAMERA POSITIONS (my area of interest)?
I'll be using a rtk/ppk drone (probably DJI P4.pro.RTK), so the proclaimed camera location precision is a few cm. I'm just wondering if that is marketing speech and I really should use the scan data, to ensure that the camera positions are ALWAYS at this level of accuracy.
Thanks for your wisdom.
For my use case, I will not do any 3D reconstruction, but I COULD do it with the images that I acquire. But I need an accuracy of the camera locations of better than 3-4cm in all directions. Now I'm reading all sorts of stuff how people are improving their "precision", by putting just a few ground control points into their scan.
So here's my question for you pros:
Does this use of GCPs improve only the precision of the SCAN DATA, or also the precision of the CAMERA POSITIONS (my area of interest)?
I'll be using a rtk/ppk drone (probably DJI P4.pro.RTK), so the proclaimed camera location precision is a few cm. I'm just wondering if that is marketing speech and I really should use the scan data, to ensure that the camera positions are ALWAYS at this level of accuracy.
Thanks for your wisdom.