Face and Body Scanning / More megapixels or better optics?
« on: June 23, 2014, 05:42:15 AM »
I'm still trying to put together a cheap "hobby" rig.
Should I go for cheap lower end compacts (like A2500) around 12MP, or am I better of looking for used older "prosumer" devices like the PowerShot G series? The G7 and SX40 are around 6 MP I believe, and can be had at similar prices as clearance compacts.
From old online reviews of "prosumer" cameras, the pictures up close actually look about as noisy as my old 5MP Pentax Optio 550 compact camera.
But then I don't really know anything about photography and have only limited experience with PhotoScan.
Should I go for cheap lower end compacts (like A2500) around 12MP, or am I better of looking for used older "prosumer" devices like the PowerShot G series? The G7 and SX40 are around 6 MP I believe, and can be had at similar prices as clearance compacts.
From old online reviews of "prosumer" cameras, the pictures up close actually look about as noisy as my old 5MP Pentax Optio 550 compact camera.
But then I don't really know anything about photography and have only limited experience with PhotoScan.