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Topics - rams.2014

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Photoscan Version Texture Build Crash
« on: July 15, 2014, 08:19:04 PM »
I am working with a large amount of historical aerial photographs with the intention of creating orthophotos. I am unsure if this version of Photoscan is the most recent update or not, but the program seems to think that it is (under check for updates it says that no update is required).
When building textures for the aligned photos the program runs for approximately ten minutes each time before closing Photoscan completely.

Thoughts? As always, thank you for your time/advice! 

General / Chunks from different .psz files
« on: June 18, 2014, 05:42:02 PM »

I'm relatively new to Photoscan and was curious if anyone had some advice on if there was a good way to manage several chunks from different working projects. I am compiling orthophotos of a very large area in Puerto Rico and have been splitting them up by different municipios (essentially counties). The end goal however is to have one orthophoto of the entire area. Should I be aligning ALL of the photos at one time, in one project, or is there an easy way to move photos and their respective markers from other projects into one big project?



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