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Topics - Isaac H. E.

Pages: [1]
General / Error: Vertical datum missing
« on: February 23, 2021, 12:14:07 PM »
Hello Everyone,

I'm stuck with a project that I did on a computer that had a vertical datum defined, this datum was based on a non public geoid file that was stored on a given path that I don't remember.

Now I'm on a different computer and I don't have that same vertical datum installed on the same path as in the original computer and when I open the MetaShape project I get lot's of:
Error: Vertical datum missing

And among other issues I'm unable to see coordinates (lower right corner), I'm unable to see camera positions on the Ortho pane, ...
I do have the geoid file but I would like to specify a different path, would that be possible? If so, how?

I'm working in MetaShape professional 1.7.0




Hello Alexey,

Good evening, I'm in the process of setting up and getting used to a 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse Wireless (running latest released drivers) to be used in Metashape professional 1.5.5 build 9087 64bit.

As can be seen in the attached screenshot I have configured the SpaceMouse within Metashape to my taste, however when I tilt (not move) the controller forward or backward I'm getting a mixed camera movement consisting of the expected displacement of the camera upward or downward but it also a zoom in/out. Note that I'm being careful not to mix different axis inputs simultaneously when operating the SpaceMouse.

I believe this mixed displacement + zoom is happening because when the SpaceMouse is used in other applications like a web browser or a text editor, tilting the controller up or down causes the same effect that a mouse wheel would have on the scroll bar (moving up or down the body of the text/page) and this is not disabled within Metashape.

Would it be possible to provide a fix for this unwanted behavior?

Further to my previous input I would like to point out that the current implementation of the SpaceMouse within Metashape is very limiting when compared to the options offered by the manufacturer drivers. For instance, I would like to see an option to switch from model movement (which I believe that is how Metashape is currently working) to camera movement (the controller input is similar to how an helicopter controls would work).
Is there any chance to implement SpaceMouse devices so that the configurations in the manufacturer setup/control panel are not ignored within Metashape (in that case Metashape controller setting would have to be eliminated to avoid conflicting redundancy), like they are currently are?

Best regards


General / Extrange behaviour when exporting a Dense Cloud to LAS
« on: October 14, 2019, 03:19:16 PM »

Hi All,

I'm wandering if someone else has seen this behavior when exporting a dense cloud to LAS file format...

I have a dense cloud within a Metashape Pro v. containing 327 821 323 points that has been created from a normal photogrammetric workflow, in other words it's not imported in to the project from external sources...

When I export the after mentioned point cloud I end up with a LAS containing 184 445 978 points even though I have not decimatied the cloud. Because the results where estrange to me I decided to doublecheck the point count with two different softwares, CloudCompare and Quick Terrain Reader and they both agreed.

Then I have tried to export other Metashape point clouds and the result seems to be consistent, my exported LAS files contain less points than my original Metashape cloud, is this the intended behavior?

Best regards




Let's say I want to measure the volume of a stockpile sitting on a sloped terrain and half surrounded by a vertical wall like the one shown in the following image:

To do so I have drawn a rectangular polygon covering the road "faltish" surface, then I set the drawing plane to the rectangular polygon and last I created a new polygon that surrounds the stockpile in an Ortographic view (like the one shown on the screenshot).

If I click on "Measure" option in the "Model" view for the polygon surrounding the stockpile I get a list of 3D coordinates where the height of each vertex is within the 3D reference plane which is what I want however If I go to the DEM or Orthomosaic views the height of each vertex of the polygon are projected in to the stockpile surface which means that if I use a "best fit" plane as means to compute the volume I will get a wrong result.

In summary, would it be possible to implement a way to measure volumes sitting on tilted grounds and (partially) surrounded by walls?

If I missed the way to do it please excuse me.

Best regards



Dos any one know if I can use a LAS dataset sampled at 0.5 points per meter from an official source to georeference a successful Metashape project that does not have GCPs nor acurate external orientation parameters.

If that is possible, would you mind to outline the process?

Many thanks



Hello Alexey,

During the creation of a panorama I used 26 pictures of 5472 x 3648 pixels automatically taken by a Mavic 2 Pro drone. The end result was a mosaic with dimensions 27131 x 13566.

The aftermentioned mosaic aspect ratio was 1.99993 instead of 2.0

To obtain the expected aspect ratio of 2.0 the width of the mosaic should have been
27132 instead of 27131






General / 16 bit Orthomosaic to GoogleEarth KMZ
« on: August 08, 2019, 04:27:51 PM »

Hi All,

I'm trying to export an Orthomosaic produced in Metashape 1.5.1, the original images were 16 bit TIFF and I'm now trying to export to GoogleEarth KMZ file format.

To visualize the 16bit within Metashape (at first all the images were all balck) I went to "Set brightness..." within "Tools" menu and in there I pressed the "Auto" button to stretch the histogram.

Within MetaShape I can see a nice colour representation in all the imagery but when I export the Orthomosaic to Google Earth KMZ I get a Black "patch" within Google Earth (16 bit color space being rendered in 8 bit)

Any ideas how I can get a nice image in Google Earth?

Many thanks


General / Building jaggy edges, how to get rid of them
« on: June 12, 2019, 01:45:30 PM »
Hello Everyone,

I'm trying to create a high resolution (5cm GSD) ortomosaic out of a few hundred images flown at 120m AGL with a DJI Mavic 2 Pro.

I get a reasonably looking multi million point dense cloud that I use to compute a DSM of my area of interest.

Then I compute an orthomosaic based on the DSM (trueortho) which leads to a beautifully looking result everywere excepte on the edges of the buildings where I get jaggy edges that render the orthomosaic pretty much useless as it is.

I know I can recompute the orthomosaic using a DTM instead of a DSM but then I would have to invest time lying polígons to manually choose which pictures are best looking, something I would like to avoid.

Is there a way to filter out the façade points out of the high density point cloud (it seems that the noise on the edge of the buildings mostly comes from poorly matched points on the facades)?

If my question does not go in to the right direction to solve my jaggy building edges problem and you have a suggestion I have bested interest in hearing your thoughts!


Hello Alexey,

I would like to to use the exterior orientation (EO) (XYZ+OPK) provided by a third party post processing INS (GNSS+IMU) software of a group of images part of a photogrammetric block.

Is it possible to "force" the EO information of each image loaded in to MetaShape to avoid having to rurn MetaShape "Align Photos..." procedure?

Best Regards


General / Automatic license deactivation on MetaShape exit
« on: March 13, 2019, 03:04:27 PM »
Dear Agisoft support team,

I happen to (mainly) use MetaShpae in two different computers my laptop and my ATX workstation unfortunately I quite often forget to deactivate the licenses from the machine I'm leaving, is it possible to configure in some way MetaShape 1.5.1 to automatically check out the license every time the end user closes the GUI?

Many thanks

Best regards


General / EGM2008 geoid reprojected to ETRS89
« on: February 23, 2018, 03:11:44 AM »

I would like to use a croped, reprojected and vertically shifted version of the EGM2008 (defined for WGS84) geoid with the ETRS89 datum, is there any special instructions I should use to create a valid tiff file to be placed in PS geoids directory?

Many thanks


Feature Requests / PS pop up confirmation windows
« on: February 18, 2018, 08:13:11 PM »

I would appreciate if every time PS needs confirmation for something (ok / cancel or yes / no or ...) the pop up window would appear centred in my mouse cursor instead of the centre of PS window. By centering the pop up in to the cursor you would make me slightly more productive.
Note that there would be no risk of accidental double click issues because the pop up buttons would be positioned slightly below the cursor requiring a small travel to reposition the cursor over either confirmation button.



Bug Reports / geoid sign seems to be wrongly applied
« on: September 09, 2017, 12:07:47 PM »
Dear sir / madam,

I started a PS project where I imported 800 JPGs all with WGS84 coordinates and ellipsoidal eights in the EXIF

I have downloaded the EGM2008 1' geoid model (EPSG::1027) from then I placed the file within PS geoids folder and then I created a new "Coordinate System" as follows:
Projected Coordinate System: WGS 84 / UTM zone 31N (EPSG::32631)
Projection Method: Transverse Mercator
    Latitude of natural origin: 0
    Longitude of natural origin: 3
    Scale factor at natural origin: 0.9996
    False Easting: 500000
    False Northing: 0
Geographic Coordinate System: WGS 84 (EPSG::4326)
Geodetic Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 (EPSG::6326)
Ellipsoid: WGS 84 (EPSG::7030)
Prime Meridian: Greenwich (EPSG::8901)
Linear Units: metre (EPSG::9001)
Vertical Datum: EGM2008 geoid (EPSG::1027)

When I output a DEM from PS and I compare that PS DEM heights against a DEM published by the official local cartographic institution the heights of the PS DEM are wrong by 2 times the geoid undulation in other words it seems that the geoid is being applied in the wrong direction.



Feature Requests / WGS84 to ETRS89 datum transformation
« on: September 08, 2017, 06:58:38 PM »

I believe that as of now PS is only able to apply 7 parameters datum transformation however to consistently transform from WGS84 to ETRS89 it is necessary to input time based parameters (14 parameter transformation).

If I´m correct now PS assumes the datum transformation between WGS84 and ETRS89 as X:0 Y:0 Z:0 rX:0 rY:0 rZ:0 ppm:0 which is acceptable if metric accuracy is sufficient but is not acceptable for survey work (sub centimetre).

Thanks for your time and effort.


General / PhotoScan OpenCL GPGPU of choice
« on: June 21, 2014, 09:38:08 PM »
I have seen and to be honest I have no clue on how to proceed...

Thanks for taking the time


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