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Topics - Drakhain

Pages: [1]
Hi everyone,

Just for you to know, DNeg open sourced their point representation library. Might be useful as a novel internal storage and for pointclouds processing inside Photoscan.

Feature Requests / Psz file format definition
« on: March 03, 2015, 03:38:59 PM »
maybe a sensible subject  :P but would be great for those who can code but not afford python scripting enabled version of photoscan.

It would be great to have another "processing" pane that would show progress for each chunk being processed. This way we can still view/analyse and launch other computations.
Each chunk should of course be distributed to different core for systems highly "coreified" or networked.

General / Has someone tried the xeon phi?
« on: February 05, 2015, 03:58:00 AM »
Just by curiosity, has anyone ever tested photoscan with it, and is it good compared to a gpu ?
Thank you

Feature Requests / Boolean operations between aligned chunks
« on: January 31, 2015, 05:23:24 AM »
In addition to/ instead of the merge chunk function, it would be helpfull to have boolean operations between aligned chunk.

It would allow to isolate or select points that determine added/removed details or objects that could be used to document a particular phenomenom or event.

Feature Requests / Origin alignment by point selection
« on: January 31, 2015, 04:50:21 AM »
It would be very helpfull and more precise if photoscan allowed us to orient the model by aligning the origin to a plane made by averaging a set of selected points positions.

Rotate/translate region/model workflow is quite tedious and hard depending on hardware and model complexity.

Bug Reports / Osx yosemite macbook retina 1st gen, hd4000 opencl crash
« on: January 29, 2015, 02:11:36 PM »

I own a 1st gen retina mb pro with 16gb ram and an 3615qm HT Quad core I7
Each time i want to use my hd4000 in the opencl tab it crashes. I tried everything i though, like:
 - disabling all cpu cores and gt650m cores leaving the hd4000 alone
 -disabling automatic graphics switching in osx preferences
 -both gpu alone
 -HD4000 with different CPU core settings.

I would like to know if someone as the same problem and has found a solution or if it is normal and why.

I'll send the log when i'll get to my mac if you need it.

Thank you very much, have a nice day.

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