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Topics - montarob

Pages: [1]
« on: December 14, 2018, 03:35:57 PM »
Dear All;
I got a very annoyed problem with photoscan pro.
Basically, when I'm processing the dense cloud I get this kind of error:
" CUDA_ERROR_LAUNCH_FAILLED_(700) at line 115".
I really don't know what it means! Could you help me please ti fix that problem?
Thank you

General / export orthophotos
« on: March 15, 2015, 06:03:23 PM »
Good Morning,
I purchased the standard version of PS. I saw that the PRO version allows you to export also orthophotos from the models created. You can do this with the standard version?
Thank You

General / Start up software
« on: March 15, 2015, 05:55:28 PM »
I do not understand why once you stop using the software, when I close, to reopen the software there is an icon, and so I have to relaunch it from the terminal. :-[
And 'normal thing or is this some bag of my pc? :-\
Also, the first time I opened the software, I selected the "Agisoft PhotoScan Activation" option "Activate PhotoScan using a valid license or trial code" by inserting, in the spaces, the number of my license, what you sent me by e-mail. However, every time I open the program I have to repeat this process. How so?

I hope you can help me ;)

Pages: [1]