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Topics - SimonBrown

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General / Photogrammetry Academic Paper - SS Thistlegorm
« on: March 18, 2024, 11:30:24 AM »
It is with much pleasure I can finally share a co-authored paper I have been working on that covers the approach and methods used to record the wreck of the SS Thistlegorm:

A second paper will be following that covers the changes identified between 2017 and 2022.

General / Python Scripting Capacity and Capability
« on: January 17, 2022, 11:47:42 AM »
Both Jose and myself are delighted to announce that AccuPixel now has python scripting capacity and capability.

Its taken a while but we have taken the step to develop some in-house talent..

If you have a scripting requirement - automation/data manipulation/ocr text extraction as just a few examples - then please use the Contact Us page:

We look forward to hearing from you.

General / Metashape Collision Investigation Webinar
« on: November 24, 2021, 08:19:02 PM »
Next month I will be delivering a webinar on using cost effective kit for #photogrammetry in conjunction the Insitiute of Traffic Accident Investigators.
An overview of Agisoft's Viewer and its benefits will be included too.

Its an event open to all and free. More details, including a link for registration, here:

Agisoft Viewer / The Viewer Comes of Age
« on: November 05, 2021, 04:24:56 PM »
If you have not spent time looking at the latest release of the Metashape Viewer, then I would urge you do so.

Its gone beyond a simple viewer and contains a rich set of tools for sharing and analysing 3D content...more details here:

One of our clients will be adopting it for sharing data amongst their user base.

Its a free product and with the latest release very much something Agisoft should be proud of.

General / AccuPixel Mentoring Program - Becky Kagan Schott
« on: October 09, 2021, 11:53:42 AM »
AccuPixel launch a mentoring program for photogrammetry and Metashape.

Full details in the link:

We would also wish to thank Agisoft for their support.

General / Transform Script - Free For All
« on: August 27, 2021, 10:27:32 AM »
AccuPixel Technical Director Jose has very kindly released a Python script to aid the Transform commands for View, Region and Object - full details and how to download here:

We are very grateful to Geobit Consulting for making this available at zero cost...and to Alexy for the changes required for Metashape Pro 1.7 release.

Any and all feedback most welcome - we hope you find the script useful.

General / Metashape Pro and Mountain Biking
« on: August 20, 2021, 03:06:58 PM »
Could photogrammetry help mountain biking?

When it comes to measuring and creating objective evidence of trail erosion it certainly has potential:

General / Metashape Professional and Coral Reef Measurement
« on: June 05, 2021, 11:36:28 AM »
AccuPixel are collaborating with the Submerged Resources Center of the US National Parks Service with the intention of pushing the boundaries of underwater photogrammetry, working with multiple cameras and UWIS underwater GPS positioning data.

More details here:

General / Metashape Professional Big Bundle Deal
« on: April 09, 2021, 11:58:04 AM »
For anyone needing a Metashape Pro license, AccuPixel have teamed up with and and are offering a bundle deal that includes the software, Agisoft-endorsed training plus 12 months hosting for sharing & showcasing those models and ortho photos with clients and the public.

More details can be found here:

General / Python Scripting - Subject Matter Experts Please Step Forward
« on: November 27, 2020, 01:47:15 PM » may have a need for some custom python scripts to support projects over the forthcoming 12 months.

So we are looking to put a list together of python programmers - the coders who really understand Metashape Pro and who can work to a set of requirements and deliver a script for us to run.

For now, please just respond to this post and we will be in touch thereafter.

Samples of work would be preferred - not necessarily the actual script but a worked example will be fine for now.

This will be a paid role and we are not looking for freebies.

It is with great pleasure Jose Martinez Rubio and myself can announce the launch of Metashape Standard online training - endorsed by Agisoft themselves.

Self paced and online the course is split into two halves; photography for photogrammetry followed by Metashape workflow. The joint goals are to ensure source images are created with photogrammetry in mind, and the Metashape workflow is as efficient as possible.

More news details about the course here:

The course has no time limit and will remain open to all students as an ongoing reference.

Accupixel Ltd is our joint venture created to support a recent tender award by UK police forces .Both Jose and myself are exceptionally grateful and humbled by Agisoft's endorsement of the online course.

General / Classifying the Ortho Photo
« on: June 27, 2019, 12:11:28 PM »
I'm aware we can classify objects and features in the dense cloud. Automated tools exist in Metashape to automatically identify roads, vegetation etc.

But is anyone aware of a means to identify or mark the same object types/surfaces in the ortho photo?

Basically, I have a massive ortho photo and have lots of objects distributed within and would like to automatically identify their location - perhaps by adding a layer to the image and adding coloured shapes to indicate their location visually - in the ortho photo.

This is, I think, outside of Metashape (for now...) so open to all suggestions.

General / DAE export and setting the default camera
« on: July 31, 2018, 03:03:35 PM »
I'm working on an iBook project and this will involve 3D content derived from Photoscan Pro.

iBooks only supports .dae collada format, which is fine as Photoscan can export this.

However, the recommendation from iBooks is to set a default camera - the view that you wish the initial, starting image of the 3D model in iBooks to be.

There is an option in Export to "Include cameras" and this appears to set the first aligned camera to be the default view. It also appears that if you strip out 999 from (say) the 1000 aligned images then the single remaining camera is then selected as default in the dae file. By stripping out the unwanted cameras you can kind of set the default view, as long as one of the aligned images was taken with that in mind.

However, this is less than ideal. When working underwater it is very rare we can take a single image that encompasses the view we want - visibility often restricts our view and we cannot simply back off from the subject and shoot such an image - so the default view is zoomed into the 3D model. Underwater, we are always working very close to what are often massive subjects.

What I would like to do is orientate the model on screen to a suitable orientation and then say "this view is my default camera for dae export".

I have not found a way to do this - any advice from the forum would be most appreciated.

General / Orthomosaic generation - Mesh vs DEM
« on: September 11, 2017, 11:25:04 AM »
I'm now generating orthomosaics from every model I produce. The ability to review an underwater site in the comfort of your own home (and not get wet) is a great way of investigating what is on the seabed.


When generating an orthomosaic there are two choices as to what to base the results on:


I'm running a very large orthomosaic now (5 acres of shipwreck - 1 pix = 7.5mm) otherwise I would test it, but what are the differences? Any advantages over using the DEM vs the Mesh?

I am guessing it would be possible to generate a DEM from the sparse cloud and then derive the orthophoto from that, missing out the dense cloud and mesh, but would be interested to hear the experiences of others?

Python and Java API / Split in Chunks - Copy Model
« on: August 26, 2017, 03:46:49 PM »
Scripting newbie question:

I use the split_in_chunks script quite a lot (thank you to whoever authored it!) and its very useful.

I now have a situation where I want to split a chunk into separate chunks, duplicating not only the dense cloud/cameras but the 3D model as well.

I *think* I have found the section in the script:
 new_chunk = chunk.copy()
      new_chunk.label = "Chunk "+ str(i)+ "\\" + str(j) + "\\" + str(k)
      new_chunk.model = None

With the command that deals with the model in bold. I have checked the reference manual, but cannot find an example? I am guessing the None needs to be something else, and have tried a few guesses but no luck.

Can anyone help?

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