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Topics - KBL

Pages: [1] 2
General / Estimated Preselection
« on: August 18, 2022, 10:43:41 PM »
Hi, I have a large project that I have roughly aligned, but I'd like to improve that alignment. I believe the "Estimated" option would be helpful, as it takes into account a previous alignment. When using the estimated alignment option, if I don't reset camera alignment, nothing changes. If I do reset camera alignment, is the previous alignment automatically saved somewhere, or do I need to take extra steps?

Thanks in advance.

Hi, I'm having an issue with Metashape where JPGs created from RAW images in Lightroom import into Metashape with an overwhelming amount of noise. JPGs created in-camera are not subject to this problem. Is there a fix, maybe some method of exporting from Lightroom that might resolve the issue? Sample images attached.

The JPGs created from RAWs are not noisy when viewed anywhere *except* from within Metashape.

General / New Low Hash Rate (LHR) GeForce Cards
« on: June 30, 2021, 06:19:45 AM »
NVidia has recently announced low hash rate (LHR) versions of their GeForce cards. Per NVidia, these are intended to be crippled for crypto mining, but operate at 100% for gaming. However, it appears a number of variables effect hash rate. Does anyone know if a LHR card would be effective for Metashape?

Python and Java API / Run Metashape from command line *with* GUI
« on: June 25, 2021, 03:38:43 AM »
Hello, I'm looking to run Metashape from the command line, however I would like the GUI to be displayed. I believe running in headless mode used to require the parameter "-platform offscreen", but hiding the GUI appears to be the default now. Can you run a script from the command line that will have an effect on an active Metashape GUI window?

General / Meshing Very Thin Objects
« on: February 04, 2021, 12:30:02 PM »
Hello. I've been running into trouble creating an accurate mesh of an airplane as portions of the subject are extremely thin sheet metal. It appears that when the outside and the inside are sufficiently close, a hole is rendered where there should be some small thickness. I've tried a few methods to minimize this issue:

- Generated the mesh based on depth maps as well as the dense cloud (depth maps is more successful)
- Ran the model in 1.71 in addition to several versions of 1.6
- Varied quality and face count settings
- Captured new higher quality data of the problematic area
    - Reprocessed the problematic area with only the new data
    - Reprocessed the problematic area with a combination of new and old data
Reduced the region to enclose only the problematic area and reprocessed using a variety of settings and versions

The best results have been generated on 1.61 or so. Attached are images of the area I'm having trouble with. Any suggestions?

Python and Java API / Adding Depth Maps Without Reprocssing
« on: December 10, 2020, 11:04:16 AM »
I'm trying to process depth maps for a subset of the images in my project. The following code identifies the positions of each image without a depth map successfully. However, when I run buildDepthMaps, processing finishes instantly ("Finished processing in 0 sec (exit code 1)") when reuse depth maps is set to false, or alternatively reprocesses from scratch when reuse depth maps is set to true.

Is there a way to reprocess depth maps for only those photos that do not have depth maps, or am I setting a value incorrectly in my script?

Code: [Select]
import Metashape

chunk =

# Get a list of the integer positions of each camera without a depth map

# Get all photo paths
allPhotos = []
for camera in chunk.cameras:

# Get photo paths without depth maps
photosWithDepthMaps = []
for key in chunk.depth_maps.keys():
# Get the integer positions of all photos
# not in the list of photo depth maps
photosWithoutDepthMaps = []
i = -1
for photo in allPhotos:
    i += 1
    if photo in photosWithDepthMaps: continue

# Process those photos
    downscale = 2,
    filter_mode = Metashape.FilterMode.MildFiltering,
    cameras = photosWithoutDepthMaps,
    reuse_depth = False)

Python and Java API / Select Faces by Confidence
« on: November 25, 2020, 08:22:53 AM »
Hello, is there a method to select faces by confidence? I feel like it should be possible, as you can color faces by confidence, but I haven't found a property on faces in Metashape to allow it.

Python and Java API / Java API - Getting Started
« on: November 23, 2020, 12:44:54 AM »
Hello, I've downloaded the Java API, but I'm having trouble getting even the sample script to run. Running it via "Run Script" generates a syntax error on "class" in "public class align_photos", so I'm assuming that the Java API is not used in the same way. I've tried running it directly from my IDE, but that does not work either.

The sample documentation is limited. Can anyone help me get the sample "align_photos" script running? From there I can make changes as needed, as the API documentation is quite helpful, once I have it running.

Python and Java API / Select mesh faces near tie points
« on: November 22, 2020, 09:33:28 AM »
Hello, I'm working on automatic cleanup of some of my models. Is it possible to select mesh faces that are within a certain distance of a tie point?

General / Selection Mode
« on: September 27, 2020, 11:09:05 PM »
Is anyone aware of a way to make it so that a selection does not "shoot through" the model? An example of this is Blender's "Limit selection to visible" mode.

I am meshing a model using the "Interpolation: Extrapolated" method, and I have encountered an issue. My model is closing well, but my mesh is closing above rather than below the model, which introduces a host of problems down the line. I've attached an image -- first diagram is a sparse cloud, the second is a closed mesh (the way I want) and the third is a closed mesh (the way I don't want).

Does anyone know a way to force the direction of closure when using the Extrapolated option?

General / Orthomosaic Generation Time Optimization
« on: February 01, 2019, 05:09:57 AM »
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any tips on minimizing the time it takes to build an orthomosaic. I'm planning on doing some testing, but any info available would be useful. For example, it appears mostly CPU bound. Does anyone know if I/O speed has an impact?

Bug Reports / Premature end of JPEG file
« on: November 15, 2018, 01:37:37 PM »
I'm getting the error "premature end of jpeg file" while merging five chunks with an average of about 1000 images in them. I've completed this run successfully with a 1, 2, and 4 GPU configuration, but it's giving me this error while running with 3 out of 4 GPUs enabled. Attached is an image of the recent log

Python and Java API / Where to define functions?
« on: November 15, 2018, 01:26:59 PM »
Hey all, I have a few bits of code that I'd like to call as functions. It seems possible to define functions inline, but it does clutter the script up somewhat. Is there any way to define functions in a different file and import them while still running the script from inside PhotoScan, or is that not possible?

Python and Java API / DEM Processed but not Saved
« on: October 30, 2018, 12:27:54 PM »
I'm running a script to automate processing of a set of similar data. The data is imported into several chunks, aligned separately, merged, and then a dense cloud is built for the merged chunk -- this part is working fine. I am trying to build a DEM using the merged chunk, and I'm using the following code (save is working too): + "\\" + projectName + ".psx")

However, the DEM does not appear in the GUI. I am using the metashape pre-release. Is there any issue with DEM generation, or am I doing something wrong here?

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