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Topics - Phish

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General / Best GPU (perhaps CPU too) in 2018 on a budget?
« on: August 03, 2018, 08:39:41 AM »

I'm not really satisfied with the calculation-times on my i5-2500k + GTX970 G1.

I'm wondering, is there a good mix of speed and price lately? Like any older card which could be affordable and useful if bought 4 times? I still have an unsued Xeon-Board on the shelf, it has enough space for 5 doubleslot-cards and I can throw in 32 or 64GB RAM.

What would you recommend for the budget-machine? I assume I could use, with a second license, use both PCs to work together on single jobs?

General / Need advice on some turntable-scanning
« on: January 27, 2017, 02:43:25 AM »
I have a prob here, I used a turntable (actually one for cakes) with light green cut to fit the diameter. Same cloth was used for the background. It works nice eg. in After Effects, but I get no results in Photoscan at all.

I use a Canon EOS 650D on somewhat low ISO-settings (as low as I can go with the lighting here, mostly ISO100-200) and shoot in RAW. In Lightroom I just make sure that all photos have the same exposure and export them as TIFF. At the turntable I have two LED-lights placed at the 4 and 8 oclock-positions to light the figure up.

I also removed manually the background in Photoshop and saved the photos with alpha-channel as TIFF, just for a test, but I get the same static pointcloud:

I don't understand what I'm missing here? Are my photos that bad?:


kind regards!

General / cheapo mobile webcamrig
« on: January 22, 2017, 05:09:13 PM »

just wondering what would be a good rig-form to use if I want to make scans of buildings with, let's say, 5-10 webcams.
A friend uses 4 webcams on PVC-pipes in a half-circle in a 45° angle  as a rig for his figure (small scale) scans.

I want to make scans of buildings, would a horizontal or vertical rig make more sense? Should the cams look straight forward to some at an angle like 45°? I found already USB-hubs for the task people seem to use RasPi's for collecting the photos. I only need to find reasonable priced USB-webcams that work well for the job.


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