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Topics - wojtas

Pages: [1]
Agisoft Cloud / Ortho view (2D)
« on: November 26, 2024, 08:26:09 PM »
Hi, it would be nice to have option to seperate windows to 2D ortho view (for orthomosaics and DEM rasters) and 3D model view (for point clouds and 3d models). We have many projects where 2D ortho view would be enough to share and analyze data.

General / Measure profile - multiple point clouds display
« on: November 23, 2024, 02:45:14 PM »
Hi. I am trying to figure out how to display multiple point clouds in the measure profile function. I have created dense point cloud from photos and also imported LIDAR dense cloud to one chunk and I would like to analyze them using Measure Profile tool to compare them in the cross section view. However, I can only display one point cloud in the Measure profile view at time. Although I noticed in the Metashape Presentation PDF file that it should be possible to do so, becouse there is a screenshot in the presentation where two point clouds are displayed in the profile. How to do it? How to add extra point clouds to the profile view? I attach screenshot with the result I would like to achieve (it comes from Metashape presentation file).

I have set of images from Parrot Sequoia (Green, Red, Red Edge and NIR bands). I use Raster Calculator to make NDVI index with no problem.
However, there is some problem or I am doing something wrong while trying to make False Color Pallete for color infrared CIR orthomosaic.
It seems like every time the output orthomosaic in the Ortho View is blank.
In raster calculator I take input bands and set the output bands with no math formula (no transform), then I go to Pallete window and set False Colors setting as: Red=NIR band, Green=Red band, Blue=Green band. No matter what combination I do, the output is always blank.
Can someone give me suggestion what I am doing wrong?
Please see attached screenshots.

General / Export geotagged images
« on: January 28, 2018, 01:59:45 PM »
I have captured photos without geotagging and processed them based on GCP points. Everything worked fine.
After alignment and creating orthophoto, is it possible to export images with their external locations?
Or somehow combine photos with their external locations to be written into EXIF?

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