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Topics - Kirill_486

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Automatic convertion of EXIS data.
« on: June 17, 2017, 02:44:45 PM »
When I attempt to add photos to an existing project I've noticed that coordinates of my photos centers havn't been converted to the projects coordinate system.

My project was in pulkovo_42/ zone_6 and my photos EXIS data in WGS84, so it was a kinda strange to see the X axis coordinate like 69 instead of 7500000

While using PhotoScan I often don't know what overlap currently is. Is there enought photos or It better be more?
Otherwise the might be a lot more cameras then needed and as a result my computer might spend a lot of extra time processing them.

What I'm trying to saw is that it would be perfect to have a tool to see something like overlap map (like we can see height map) and a tool to disable cameras that we don't need (where overlap is good enought without them) depending on their quality (for example).

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