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Topics - robertomstocker

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General / Identifying bands from multispectral images in folder structure
« on: December 20, 2017, 12:48:09 AM »
I've imported multispectral images using the folder structure following the instruction from section "To create a chunk from multifolder layout" in document

It works perfectly, except that I can't find a way to identify output bands. I imported a folder containing 5 folders names: "blue", "green", "red", "rededge" and "nir", but Photoscan produces a Band 1, Band 2, Band 3, Band 4, Band 5 structure when I export a GeoTIFF and I don't know the correspondence between my folders and the band numbers.


I'm trying to achieve two coordinate conversions:

1. Using (x, y) from a photo, determine the corresponding (lng, lat) coordinates.

For this part, I believe the code posted here should work:

Code: [Select]
chunk =
camera = chunk.cameras[0]
point2D = PhotoScan.Vector([imgX,imgY]) # coordinates of the point on the given photo
sensor = camera.sensor
calibration = sensor.calibration
x = chunk.point_cloud.pickPoint(, camera.transform.mulp(sensor.calibration.unproject(point2D)))


Code: [Select]
result =

I can't find the "pickPoint" function in the API Reference document, but would this return the expected result?

2. Using a (lng, lat) to determine the corresponding (x, y) pixel coordinates in each photo of the project.

For this case, I was thinking on creating a Marker to simplify the code

Code: [Select]
chunk =
pointWorld2D = PhotoScan.Vector([lng, lat])
x = crs.unproject(pointWorld2D)
chunk.addMarker(point = x)

and then loop over "marker.projections" to obtain the (x, y) pairs for each camera.

Am I on the correct path?


P.S: This post also gave me a couple of clues:

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