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Topics - Dragline

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Feature Requests / DEM/Dense Cloud Confidence
« on: January 29, 2020, 04:10:37 AM »
The new dense cloud confidence visualization feature is great! This seems to catch areas with very few/changing features (Flat snow & Water where I am). A way to incorporate this into DEM creation would be nice. I imagine being able to set for the DEM to only be built from points with a confidence >XX.

Feature Requests / Selected Point Statistics
« on: July 31, 2019, 12:22:49 AM »
I will commonly find an area of my reconstruction where there are many points in incorrect locations. It would be nice to be able to select these points and see their statistics quickly. I imagine a feature where in the bottom left I could see XXX,XXX points, XXX selected along with 0.XX Average reprojection  error, XXX Reconstruction Uncertanity, XX Avg image count, XX Projection accuracy.

I think being able to see this quickly would allow for more efficient use of the gradual selection tool.

It would also be very interesting to see a tool that allows for the coloring of points via these quality parameters.

Python and Java API / Disable Photos With "DJI" Header
« on: May 30, 2019, 06:02:31 PM »
This is a super simple one:

I'm looking for a script that will disable all photos that have DJI in their filename. Can anyone help with that?

General / Remove Coordinate Systems
« on: April 18, 2019, 12:35:40 AM »
While working to figure out some issues I was having with coordinate systems, I created several with the same name (See attached image). All of them have slightly different datum transformation settings.  I believe this is causing issues with point cloud export...

Is is possible to remove these coordinate systems? I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, however they reappear after the reinstallation.

Feature Requests / Ability to Drag in Folders
« on: February 27, 2019, 08:46:41 PM »
It would be really nice to be able to drag in entire folders of photos from windows explorer. Currently when I try to do this I get error: "Can't open file: Access is denied (5)"

Python and Java API / Disable Photos below Certain Altitude
« on: January 28, 2019, 10:09:48 PM »
I have found that included several lower altitude oblique photos during the initial alignment increases the alignment accuracy. However, during the dense cloud reconstruction, these photos seem to significantly increase the amount of noise. Is it possible to create a script which disables photos below a certain altitude or a certain amount below the mean altitude of the loaded photos?

Python and Java API / Define Bounding Box By Camera Locations
« on: December 14, 2018, 09:04:31 PM »
I would like to define a bounding box based on the locations of where photos were taken. It would also be nice to add a buffer around the perimeter defined by the cameras. Does anyone have any idea how to approach this?

General / Systematic Z Error in Proportion to Altitude (Phantom 4 RTK)
« on: December 08, 2018, 08:49:16 PM »
I recently acquired a Phantom 4 RTK, and have been working with it for the past week. However I seem to be encountering systematic errors in the Z axis. The X & Y values seem to be spot on though.

For instance, I just created a map of an area with significant vertical relief (100m within 30ha). Within this area I have 3 points that I have measured with our survey equipment, I know these points to be good within ~2cm vertically. When I compare these points to a DEM produced by photoscan I find results like this:

Surveyed point, Elevation (ft)   DEM, Elevation (ft)      Difference (ft)
1557.6                                          1557.6                        0
1428.1                                          1430.4                        -2.3
1382.6                                          1386.1                        -3.5

Some ideas that I have to fix this problem:

*Enable Dewarp in flight planning software before flight. I believe that in the drone the camera calibration will be applied
*Import the dewarp camera parameters into Agisoft, somewhat covered at the end of this thread (
*Very heavy use of the gradual selection tool (

If there is any interest in taking a look at this data set, I can send it out along with control points.

Python and Java API / Crop to region bounded by control points
« on: May 08, 2018, 09:15:17 PM »
I typically fly an area larger than necessary to ensure that control points are present in many photos. This means that a large amount of the DEM that is produced is not up to our quality standards. Currently I use global mapper to crop the area of the DEM that is outside of the boundary of the control points. It would be nice to be able to automate this task. Maybe offer this in the DEM export dialog box? Possibly also allow for a buffer region beyond the control point boundary?

Bug Reports / Incorrect Coordinate Transformation
« on: February 28, 2018, 08:45:15 PM »
I seem to be encountering a systematic coordinate transformation error. I am converting camera coordinates from EPSG 4326 to EPSG 26734. Coordinates as converted by Photoscan appear to be ~26 meters east and 10 meters south of where they should be. Any ideas why this is?

Example Coordinate Set:

EPSG 4326 From Geotagged Photo:
-148.7518243   63.97889333

Converted to 26734 by Agisoft:
700965.2522   3648730.228

Converted to 26734 by EPSG website (
700878.87403674 3648763.98909459

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