I recently acquired a Phantom 4 RTK, and have been working with it for the past week. However I seem to be encountering systematic errors in the Z axis. The X & Y values seem to be spot on though.
For instance, I just created a map of an area with significant vertical relief (100m within 30ha). Within this area I have 3 points that I have measured with our survey equipment, I know these points to be good within ~2cm vertically. When I compare these points to a DEM produced by photoscan I find results like this:
Surveyed point, Elevation (ft) DEM, Elevation (ft) Difference (ft)
1557.6 1557.6 0
1428.1 1430.4 -2.3
1382.6 1386.1 -3.5
Some ideas that I have to fix this problem:
*Enable Dewarp in flight planning software before flight. I believe that in the drone the camera calibration will be applied
*Import the dewarp camera parameters into Agisoft, somewhat covered at the end of this thread (
*Very heavy use of the gradual selection tool (
If there is any interest in taking a look at this data set, I can send it out along with control points.