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Topics - norbert88

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Face and Body Scanning / Could use some tipps. Texture is very rough
« on: September 25, 2018, 10:47:49 AM »
Hi Forum,
I'm trying the build 3d prints from some body parts but currently I'm struggling with the resulting texture.
I'm attaching a screenshot that shows my problem. The surface of the model that I'm producing is very rough. I tried various mechanisms to improve the quality of the model but none worked really well.
Can anybody here give me a tipp on where I should look at? Should I go back to taking the pictures and try other forms of illumination?
Or are there any settings when building the model in PhotoScan that I could try to make this better?
I'm just a complete newbie and would appreciate the one or the other tipp.

P.S. What you see in the screenshot is a chin :-)

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