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Topics - Ungrim

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Extremely long defocusing mask generation?
« on: July 12, 2022, 10:20:11 AM »
[solved]: reinstalling Metashape in version 1.83 hlped, so it was my local problem

I wanted to run some tests and unfortunately encountered a problem. It looks like the mask overlaps the photo visually, then stands at 71% and regardless of the settings it doesn't want to move on or cancel. Anyone encountered such a problem?

Bug Reports / No polygon after dxf export in 1.7.0 Metashae
« on: January 08, 2021, 01:59:21 PM »
When I try to export polygon shape into *.dxf in 1.7.0 Metashape it exports only label. After downgrade to 1.6.6 software exports corretly polygon and label.

At the other hand Metashape imports this dxf correctly in 1.7.0, but 3 other software does not see polygons.

General / Issue with importing *.pts file.
« on: January 08, 2021, 01:11:38 PM »
I have an issue. When I try to import *.pts file to Metashape it loads only part of it. Cloud has square shape and about 4kk points and it loads only about 1/8 of it. It loads point cloud correctly referenced in correct place but only part of it. Why?

Bug Reports / Torn dense cloud and DEM after update
« on: April 08, 2020, 09:48:06 AM »
Hello, few questions. I've been doing same work every month for over 18 months. Since last update of Metashape I have some issues. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong but I want to make sure.

First of all my GCP lost accuracy. It was never an issue and I can't really say what can cause a problem here. Maybe now they are more accurate and closer to truth than before ;).

Issue that really bothers me is torned dense cloud and DEM. It looks like at the screens. Any solutions? What am I doing worng?

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