General / Wrong conversion from wgs84 to lambert 72 belgium
« on: October 22, 2023, 02:30:39 PM »
I have processed some matrice 350 RTK data and it seems that metashape makes a wrong conversion from wgs 84 to the belgian Lamber 72.
Does anyone know how to apply a correction grid for X Y and a correction grid for Z values? i dont see a geode file on this platform for Lambert 72.
Anyone has a idea or any software to calculate the WGS84 till lokal system?
Best regards
I have processed some matrice 350 RTK data and it seems that metashape makes a wrong conversion from wgs 84 to the belgian Lamber 72.
Does anyone know how to apply a correction grid for X Y and a correction grid for Z values? i dont see a geode file on this platform for Lambert 72.
Anyone has a idea or any software to calculate the WGS84 till lokal system?
Best regards