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Topics - Dark_Corvid

Pages: [1]
In my script, I enabled the log with
Code: [Select]
Metashape.Application.Settings(log_enable=True) This generates a log file as expected.

However, when I try to set the log to a save location as specified in the API
Code: [Select]
Metashape.Application.Settings(log_path="C:/somelocation") the log is not saved where specified.

Any help would be appreciated.

Python and Java API / Refinement script: buildDepthMaps & PointCloud
« on: July 05, 2019, 02:03:00 AM »
I'm trying to create a script that refines data in an existing .psx file. After loading the file,  I try to run chunk.buildDepthMaps and receive "Error: Null point cloud" even though a sparse point cloud exists in the .psx.

Any ideas?

Code: [Select]
#SFB Get reference to the currently active DOM
doc = Metashape.Document()

#AIW Attemtps to open an existing project.
# - A new project is created if an existing project is not available.
# - This must be done immediatly after getting reference to active DOM.
# - .psx format will not save correctly otherwise.
try:"{}{}.psx" .format(PATH_TO_IMAGES, IMAGE_PREFIX), read_only=False, ignore_lock=True)
    print("No document exists!\nCreating a new document.")"{}{}.psx" .format(PATH_TO_IMAGES, IMAGE_PREFIX))

#AIW Adds a chunk to the current document.
chunk = doc.addChunk()

#SFB Build the list of image filenames
images = []
for image in range(1, 121):
    filename = ("%s%s%04d.tif" %(PATH_TO_IMAGES, IMAGE_PREFIX, image))

#SFB Indicate processing is starting
print("\nStarting processing:")
start = time.time()

#AIW From API "Add a list of photos to the chunk."
# - Must be run before getting a reference to camera.
phaseTime = time.time()
PHASE_LABEL = "Adding Photos"
chunk.addPhotos(images, progress=progress_callback)

#AIW Getting reference to camera. Index is out of range if not run after chunk.addPhotos.
camera = chunk.cameras[0]

#AIW From API "Generate depth maps for the chunk."
# - First step of the Metashape GUI "Workflow" process called "Dense Cloud".
phaseTime = time.time()
PHASE_LABEL = "Building Depth Maps"
chunk.buildDepthMaps(quality=Metashape.LowQuality, filter=Metashape.AggressiveFiltering, progress=progress_callback)

Python and Java API / Resizing Reconstruction Volume
« on: June 26, 2019, 03:23:03 AM »
In Agisoft Metashape 1.5.3, how does one go about resizing the reconstruction volume? I searched the Metashape Python API for 1.5.3 and was not able to find the right information. An old version of this topic is here: but the method no longer works. ch.region is not in the API that I could find.

Any help would be appreciated.

Pages: [1]