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Topics - Abe Whaanga

Pages: [1]
Python and Java API / Export model
« on: September 06, 2023, 08:19:03 AM »
Hello, I'm having trouble updating a script that worked with 1.6.1 and not 2.02 anymore.
Code: [Select]
def export_model():

    ### export model
    import Metashape
    doc =
    chunk = doc.chunk

    model_name = chunk.label
    print (chunk)
    save_model_folder ="Please select folder to save model in")

    print (save_model_folder)

    model_save ="Exported model name", model_name)

    chunk.exportModel(path = save_model_folder + "/" + "p" + model_save + "_.obj", format = "obj", texture_format = Metashape.ImageFormat.ImageFormatJPEG, save_texture=True)
    print ('export obj')

I get this error?
Error: Invalid argument value: format

any help appreciated

Python and Java API / Image capture model view
« on: September 05, 2023, 02:45:58 AM »
Hello, I have an old script that works with 1.6.1 but need to update now.  What do I need to change to get the capture.modelView to work again?  I get this error Error: 'Metashape.Application' object has no attribute 'viewpoint' 
Here is my script.
Code: [Select]
def image_capture():

    ###export image capture to FSDBTesting/FaceSketches as a jpg
    import Metashape
    import shutil
    current_document =
    file_path = Path(
    doc =
    chunk = doc.chunk
    for shape in chunk.shapes:
        if not shape.label:
            shape.label =
    viewpoint =
    cx = viewpoint.width
    cy = viewpoint.height
    cx = 1214
    cy = 912

    shape_name = chunk.label

    shape_name = shape_name[shape_name.find("_")+1:]

    save_shape_folder = "G:/Mining/Geology/Favona/FSDBTesting/FaceSketches"
    chunk_name ="Enter location name?", shape_name)

    capture = width = cx, height = cy, transparent = (False), hide_items = (False))
    #source = Metashape.DataSource.ModelData, mode = Metashape.ModelViewMode.ShadedModelView)
    print(capture.height) + "/" + chunk_name + ".jpg")

Python and Java API / vertices cannot be called when markers attached
« on: August 09, 2020, 10:46:42 PM »

After attaching markers to a shape it is no longer possible to call the shape vertices and run the add attributes script below.  I get Error:  object of type 'NoneType' has no len ().

Our current process we create shapes on the non referenced model with markers attached, then reference the model and the shapes combined.  After this process we can't draw on the model anymore as the shape's appear to be drawn at 0'0'0 coordinates.  We then have to take off attach markers and draw on a camera image before attributes can be attached. 

How do we draw shapes on a referenced model?  and is it possible to call the shape vertices and add attributes to a shape with markers attached?



def add_channel_attributes():
   import Metashape
   chunk =
   #loop chunk shapes   
   for shape in chunk.shapes:
      #check for CHANNEL layer
      if == 'CHANNEL':         
         #check shape is a polyline with only 2 vertices         

         if (shape.type == Metashape.Shape.Type.Polyline and len(shape.vertices) == 2):               
            channel_vertices = shape.vertices
            #calculate dip and bearing, attach as attribute                  
            shape.attributes['dip'] = str(calculate_dip(channel_vertices[1][0], channel_vertices[1][1], channel_vertices[1][2], channel_vertices[0][0], channel_vertices[0][1], channel_vertices[0][2]))
            shape.attributes['bearing'] = str(calculate_bearing(channel_vertices[1][0], channel_vertices[1][1], channel_vertices[1][2], channel_vertices[0][0], channel_vertices[0][1], channel_vertices[0][2]))   

General / Shape label properties V1.6.2
« on: April 29, 2020, 05:53:41 AM »
In version 1.6.2 the behavior of the shape properties has changed.  After digitising a line the properties box automatically pops up and is labelled with a number incrementing from 1.  Is it possible to turn this off?


Python and Java API / How to call project name and active chunk name
« on: April 19, 2020, 12:33:12 PM »
Hello,  I'm trying to export my model with the name of the active chunk and the current project as a concatenated name.  Is there a way to turn the names into a string? 
Code: [Select]
def check_string ():

    ###code for checking the convert obj to str function

    import Metashape
    doc =
    chunk = doc.chunk
    print (doc)
    print (chunk)

Python and Java API / exporting shape attributes
« on: April 15, 2020, 08:48:52 AM »
Is there a way to script exporting of shape attributes to a .txt or .csv file?  Including the coordinates of the shape vertices?

Python and Java API / Adding labels to shape groups
« on: November 10, 2019, 10:43:34 PM »
does anyone know how I might add labels to shape groups via a python script?  I have a script that creates a bunch of default shape groups, but I want the labels for everything in these shape groups to match the group name.

General / moving shapes with referenced models
« on: August 16, 2019, 06:55:29 AM »
When referencing a model using markers and loading reference coordinates, any shapes created stay at the original model position prior to the transformation.  It is possible to have shapes move by the same transformation as the model?  My work flow requires that shapes are drawn on the model prior to obtaining the survey coordinates required to reference the model.

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