Bug Reports / 1.7.0: matchPhotos() and alignCameras() not producing any tie points
« on: February 26, 2021, 04:21:08 AM »
Hello, I am currently running into a major issue in v1.7.0 where tie points / key points are not being generated through the API.
I'm testing on a well-captured, 37 image project. Here is the code I am running.
import Metashape
doc = Metashape.app.document
chunk = doc.chunk
chunk.matchPhotos() #Tried with multiple parameter sets with no success
chunk.alignCameras() #Tried with multiple parameter sets with no success
All cameras and GPS data have been successfully uploaded to the project, so I didn't include the set up for that in the code above.
The problem is that while matchPhotos() and alignCameras() run without error, they do not generate any tie points. This is despite the fact that when running alignment through the GUI, >20,000 tie points are generated.
Is this a known bug for 1.7.0? If not, is there an extra step needed to generate sparse clouds in 1.7.0 that didn't exist in previous versions? I can't find any documentation about this issue in either the api manual or the forum
I'm testing on a well-captured, 37 image project. Here is the code I am running.
import Metashape
doc = Metashape.app.document
chunk = doc.chunk
chunk.matchPhotos() #Tried with multiple parameter sets with no success
chunk.alignCameras() #Tried with multiple parameter sets with no success
All cameras and GPS data have been successfully uploaded to the project, so I didn't include the set up for that in the code above.
The problem is that while matchPhotos() and alignCameras() run without error, they do not generate any tie points. This is despite the fact that when running alignment through the GUI, >20,000 tie points are generated.
Is this a known bug for 1.7.0? If not, is there an extra step needed to generate sparse clouds in 1.7.0 that didn't exist in previous versions? I can't find any documentation about this issue in either the api manual or the forum