General / Trouble aligning FLIR Thermovision 1000 images
« on: November 06, 2024, 09:43:33 PM »
I am working with a historic imageset that came from a thermal scanning system in the early 2000s. The model is a FLIR Thermovision 1000. I found a copy of the user manual here: [FLIR Thermovision 1000 manual][https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/48814512/thermovision-1000-flir-customer-support-center-flir-systems]. I have GPS x,y coordinates that I have written into the images' EXIF and estimated altitude based on reported GSD. Upon visual inspection, images appear to have ~70 % overlap. However, I am uncertain of values I should use for focal length and sensor size, and I assume this is why I am failing to get images aligned. I have seen others successfully produce orthomosaics with the same sensor, but I have been unable to find parameters they may have used. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am working with a historic imageset that came from a thermal scanning system in the early 2000s. The model is a FLIR Thermovision 1000. I found a copy of the user manual here: [FLIR Thermovision 1000 manual][https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/48814512/thermovision-1000-flir-customer-support-center-flir-systems]. I have GPS x,y coordinates that I have written into the images' EXIF and estimated altitude based on reported GSD. Upon visual inspection, images appear to have ~70 % overlap. However, I am uncertain of values I should use for focal length and sensor size, and I assume this is why I am failing to get images aligned. I have seen others successfully produce orthomosaics with the same sensor, but I have been unable to find parameters they may have used. Any help would be greatly appreciated!