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Topics - kkobaya

Pages: [1]
Face and Body Scanning / Use of Non-Agisoft Markers
« on: September 13, 2020, 04:19:39 AM »
I am trying to use ARUCO markers in order to align and scale my model of an infant's head.
What data do I need to import these markers into Agisoft? Is there a set Python script that I can use?

Any help regarding this topic would be useful!

General / Aruco Marker/ Open CV in Agisoft
« on: August 04, 2020, 04:36:39 AM »
I am hoping to use Aruco Markers to align photos, calibrate camera, select coordinates, and scale my model in Agisoft.
I have generated rvec and tvec for each frame that I am using in Agisoft. However, I am unsure if I can export this data into Agisoft and have it create markers. Also, what is the format that I should be using when importing into Agisoft?

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