General / Adding markers from excel or csv
« on: August 17, 2020, 06:22:44 AM »
Hi all,
I'm basically trying to do what the title says. I have an orthomosaic which covers a large area, and small plots within it are the areas of particular interest. I have an excel file with the gps co ordinates of the plot corners, and going through and marking the points manually seems like a huge waste of time. Is there any way to use the excel file to automatically place markers on each point?
I'm basically trying to do what the title says. I have an orthomosaic which covers a large area, and small plots within it are the areas of particular interest. I have an excel file with the gps co ordinates of the plot corners, and going through and marking the points manually seems like a huge waste of time. Is there any way to use the excel file to automatically place markers on each point?