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Topics - McGavish

Pages: [1]
General / Convert camera coordinates to world coordinates
« on: August 25, 2021, 12:05:27 PM »

I'm using Metashape Standard and I would like to convert all cameras coordinates calculated from alignment to world coordinates. I can extract 4x4 camera transform matrix from xml file (Export Cameras option) but I'm not sure how to do the conversion. I don't know where I can find world orientation in Metashape Standard. Is it possible?

Bug Reports / 1.7.1 Holes in mesh
« on: February 11, 2021, 02:22:55 PM »
Hi everyone!

I found out that new version of Metashape generates weird holes in mesh. Case is very simple: black turntable and background, camera in one position and photo every constant angle.
Also I used old depth maps generating method (from 1.6X) by setting
Code: [Select]
BuildDepthMaps/pm_enable to False and it's not generating any holes so it seems that new method is broken somehow.

Could you tell me what might be the cause of that problem? This is very simple example, but it's very annoying on more complicated models.

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