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Topics - ken lau

Pages: [1]
Number of images: 295              Camera stations: 286
Flying altitude: 7.45 m                       Tie points: 276,036
Ground resolution: 2.46 mm/pix       Projections: 924,151
Coverage area: 3.34e+03 m²       Reprojection error: 0.531 pix

Reprojection error: 0.531 pix

GCP error in pix: 0.623

after applying GCP, the error in pixel should be smaller than Reprojection error, but the result is different now.

General / why there are many hole in sparse point cloud?
« on: October 26, 2022, 06:41:58 PM »
why there are many hole in sparse point cloud?

General / hole in dense point cloud?
« on: October 20, 2022, 06:56:32 PM »
hole in dense point cloud?
Is it any problem?  it seems some holes (Blue) in the middle in dense pointcloud, but it is fine when generating orthophoto.

Camera Calibration / Why the RMSE become negative?
« on: September 26, 2022, 06:49:43 PM »
X error (cm) - root mean square error for X coordinate for all the cameras.
Y error (cm) - root mean square error for Y coordinate for all the cameras.
Z error (cm) - root mean square error for Z coordinate for all the cameras.

this three sections contains negative result in GCPs, is that correct?
it is interesting that the total RMSE remain positive result.
another question: Total (cm): 15 and  Image (pix): 0.6, is it good result for GCPs?  >:( >:(

Pages: [1]